Foster the culture of Bharath; Analogy of paddy and cloth
You must also give importance to culture and refinement. Earlier, the Vice Chancellor spoke about th

Foster good thoughts and develop kshama
Embodiments of Love! Drive away bad thoughts and make room for good and noble ones. Through sacred t

Bad company leads to bad results: Analogy of a mosquito
These days, it is not uncommon to see evil doers [seemingly] get away with it while good people suff

Be courageous, develop kshama and move forward in life: Analogy from Ramayana
Vibhishana provides the classic example. It was through kshama that he acquired the courage to defy

Move forward developing Kshama; Hassein, hussein analogy
Students! In matters spiritual, make sure that you get a firm grip on whatever it is that you are se

World is facing problems due to lack of Kshama
Develop Kshama. The absence of kshama is responsible for most of the problems the world over, and th

Develop selfless love
Embodiments of Love! Along with love, also cultivate kshama. What is normally professed as love is n

Worship God with full faith
Therefore, when you worship God, make sure you repose total faith in Him. Without faith, what is the

Develop kshama with love
Students! In everyone of your spiritual endeavour, you must make the resolution, “This I MUST achi

Develop kshama from a young age; With analogies
Students! The stage of life you presently are in is most important. This is when you can easily over

Kshama is life
Kshama is life itself and the very breath of life. Life bereft of kshama, is meaningless and one who

Failing in efforts leads to failing in exams
Embodiment's of Love! On occasions, you might fail in the class tests or in the examinations but tha

Absence of Kshama leads to doubts
When the heart is devoid of kshama, it becomes vulnerable to doubts. Man today does not even know wh

Absence of Kshama leads to jealousy
Jealousy is the greatest enemy of man, and it takes root when kshama is absent. If you possess the v

Lack of kshama leads to jealousy; Analogies of Ravana, Asuya and Anasuya
Anasuya who had three sons. They were no ordinary sons for they were none other than Brahma, Vishnu,

Doubts crop up because of impatience
Students! Often you are seized with doubts. You wonder, “We are happy here because we are close to

We develop forbearance during difficult times
Some people may wonder, “If I develop kshama as Swami says and my life gets packed with troubles,

Difficulties lead way to develop Kshama; Pandavas analogy
This virtue is best cultivated under adverse circumstances, and one must therefore gladly welcome tr

Kshama is the very breath of life
Kshama is thus the very breath of life. Can there be smoke without fire? Can a car move without a

World is facing troubles due to lack of forgiveness
At one stroke, Kshama subsumes Sathya, Dharma, and the entire Vedas. It is the greatest among tapas

Love is the basis for forbearance
Embodiments of Love! Boys and Girls! True and Selfless Love manifests as sacrifice. Such love knows