Search Results for Manifesting

How will power can make or mar a person
Contentment is another name to denote equanimity of mind. It is only due to the will-power that the

Shiridi Baba manifesting as Dattatreya
Many doubted his divinity. The birthday of Dattatreya is celebrated on the tenth day of the bright f

Ekoham Bahusyam: One seed becoming many
“Ekoham Bahushyam”, the one manifests as many. It manifests as many although it exists as one. H

Swami on Dehi and Deha
It is said in the Vedas: Not by actions, not by progeny, not by wealth but by sacrifice alone one ca

Avatars descend to teach love and Sacrifice
Everything in the world is like a passing cloud. It comes and goes. In this process a number of expe
This is an offering by Radio Sai Division (a unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust), Prasanthi Nilayam
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