Redeem your lives by Singing His glory
There is none in this world who does not chant the Lord’s name. One thinks of God in one form or t
Without faith and love in God, whatever we do is useless: Analogy
It is all useless if one does not have faith in God. People bring fresh vegetables; hire a good cook

Vidyalanniyu Nerchi
Vidyalanniyu nerchi yemi viluva sunna? Yemmelu biyyelu pasaivachchi, peRigaanchina pedda vaaralai

Swami on the downward trend of present education system
It is enough if one has faith in oneself. How can one trust others if one does not trust oneself? T

Spirituality must begin at a tender age: Analogy
Some parents criticise when their children start to engage themselves in bhajans or devotion or in m

Act on the good thought the moment it rises : Ravana's Message to Humanity
Last words of wisdom from Ravana: Good message Ravana fell down after being hit by

Chanting Rama's name and respecting elders turned Ratnakara into Valmiki
Sage Valmiki is the one who composed Ramayana, the history of Rama during the lifetime of Rama. He m

Power of thought, word and deed; Dhruva story
The character of Dhruva in Maha Bhagavata is familiar to all of you. He is a five year old boy who d

Only through pain, you can derive pleasure
Many great people, forbearing many difficulties did great penance and meditative exercises in order

Youth should have more patience: With analogies
Human mind is completely polluted due to cinema, TV, and radio. All the sacred qualities latent in m

Every Sadhana must lead you on the inward journey
The day one develops inner vision ,one pacifies the attractions of the external vision. Man today un

Serving the poor would make Swami happy
The doctors must serve, especially the poor, for the seva done to them alone will safeguard one in t

Without love spiritual sadhana is a waste
Without sanctifying one’s heart, any number of spiritual practises that one undertakes viz. Japa (

Good virtues and values helps to gain self-confidence in life
People have been undertaking the spiritual practices of ‘japa’ penance, ‘dhyana’ meditation,

You are God. Know it
Right from birth we learn everything. Why do we learn? Today in the world neither a seeker nor an as

Service leads to liberation
Embodiments of Love! Man adopts various means to achieve liberation (from the bondage of mundane ex

Na tha pamsi, Na teerthana
Neither by penance nor by bathing in sacred rivers Nor by study of scriptures nor by japa Can the

Karma Daata Vasama
“Karma data vasama, naruda karma data vasama? Ghana paathambulu chadivina gaani, kuladevatala

As is the action, so is the world
It is the ignorance that is the root cause for all this. What is the cause for ignorance? Man’s ac

Na tha pamsi, Na teerthana
Neither penance nor meditation nor proficiency of the sacred texts is of any avail in crossing the o

Difference between goodness and greatness; Story of Rama and Ravana
“Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi”- the knower of the Brahman becomes the Brahman. When one entertai

What is Samadhi State
Students!! The word Samadhi is understood in many different ways in the world.

How do we get to Samadhi state
The third line of the verse refers to the state of samadhi. To attain Samadhi one has to follow cert

My aim is to provide welfare to humanity
Embodiments of love! You say this is the 75th birthday of this body. Bhagawan is not bothered about

Service is the highest form of worship
Some students, youngsters go to village service activities. Service is noblest of all activities. It

Faith in God is the basis for man's bliss
Every man aspires for bliss. In order to attain everlasting bliss, he studies sacred texts, listens

Daanamu Kaani Yagna Sandhanamu Kaani
If we examine carefully, we will find that neither gift, nor a donation, nor the performance of Yagn

What is the Path to Divinity
Whatever you do, take it as God's work. Don't take it as my work or your work. We are all members in

World is facing troubles due to lack of forgiveness
At one stroke, Kshama subsumes Sathya, Dharma, and the entire Vedas. It is the greatest among tapas