Search Results for Vemana

All who come to Prasanthi Nilayam are not devotees
The poet Vemana said “If all stones were to become Gods, will not the kings grab and swallow them?

Kadupu chicchu chetha
In defining a good man, Vemana said that the individual who suffers if he is hungry, who harbours

Man's quest must be for God rather than for food
In defining a good man, Vemana said that the individual who suffers if he is hungry, who harbours

What is Satsang and good company according to Adi Shankara and Vemana
Shankara was in the position of a teacher for the entire world and he propagated many ideals amongs

Indra Lokamaina, Chandra Lokamaina
According to the words of poet Vemana, it does not matter even if you go to the world of Indra or t

Understand your Body, Mind and Intelligence
According to the words of poet Vemana, it does not matter even if you go to the world of Indra or t
This is an offering by Radio Sai Division (a unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust), Prasanthi Nilayam
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