Feedback on the Cover Story: Canada’s Crown Jewel
...The SathyaSaiSchool in Toronto Click here to read it again
Dear H2H team,
The Sathya Sai School in Toronto is an excellent, motivating and highly inspiring article compiled in a very beautiful and lucid manner. Every paragraph is conveying a message which adds value to life as taught by Swamiji.
Thanks for this issue. I have learnt a lot.
Prof & HOD Q.T. / I. T.
Rai Business School Delhi.
Dear H2H,
I am very very happy to see the comprehensive article about our Sathya Sai School here in Toronto - an excellent job indeed and we are very blessed to have the school here in our city. Your write up will inspire millions more to know Swami and His Divine Teachings. Thank you so much.
Ever in Sai's Love,
V. Jayaraman,
Toronto, Canada
Sai Ram Brothers of the Heart to Heart Team,
Your article in the June 2007 Issue on Sathya Sai School in Toronto is inspiring, revealing Swami’s Love and Grace. We are regular readers of your monthly issues and enjoy feeling the Love of Swami. Very often tears come down, seeing the manner in which Swami takes care of all HIS children, facing different calamities. Your Team is doing a wonderful job of bringing more and more awareness of Swami’s Mission and our role and how HIS devotees are carrying out selfless seva activities in different parts of the world.
We thank Swami and your Team Members for connecting us with Swami and other members of the Sai Family all over the world.
Sai Ram,
The Sathya Sai School in Toronto is another jewel from H2H web journal to its readers. It is nice to read about its founders, teachers and students experiences on how their lives have been transformed by the education provided by this Sai School.
Kartik Bhatia
San Bruno, CA
It brought tears while going through the inspiring article of the Sathya Sai School of Canada. We pray to our Sai to make each one of us his instruments in making this world a better place to live
Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu,
Sai Ram,
Your article on the Sathya Sai School was superb. I do volunteer at times at
the School and am very pleased to see many details have been captured so
Congratulations to the Sathya Sai School on all their achievements during
this short period of 7 years. Congratulations also goes to Ms Karuna Munshi
who has done a marvellous job in putting this article together. Her talents
and hard work has contributed immensely to the success of the school. We are
all proud of the Sathya Sai School and our heartfelt thanks goes to the
principal and staff for their, committment, dedication and selfless
sacrifices that they make every single day. May Swami's divine grace and blessings be with them always.
Deo Goocool
Feedback on the H2H Special "He Is My Swami" by Mrs. Padma Kasturi. Click here to read it again
Sairam sir,
It is glorious that h2h has revealed to all the total freedom Late Kasturigaru got in the proximity of lord Shiva himself. Kasturigaru got kapalamoksha as he was an ardent and most liked devotee of Bhagavan. We are grateful to Smt. Padmamma
for narrating these memorable incidents to the world of Sai. Coming generations of Sai devotees will see the soul of Kasturigaru in a different body close to Bhagavan Prem Sai. Jai Sai Ram.
Krishna Prasad
Sai Ram Heart2Heart Team,
I want to tell you that I like the transcript of the conversation with Mrs Kasturi very much.
More of these are indeed inspiring for me!
Thank you for your service.
Om Sai Ram,
Joop Sturkenboom,
Feedback on the article `GREATEST WONDER OF THE WORLD’ By Prof G. Venkataraman. Click here to read it again
Dear Brothers, Sai Ram,
I enjoyed your article "THE GREATEST WONDER OF THE WORLD ' by Dr. Venkataraman. It is very inspiring indeed because it is all about Swami's interaction with His students - full of love and wisdom. Yes, I would like to read more articles like that which brings joy to our heart by learning so many things from the students' experiences with Swami.
Jay Sai Ram,
Ferry Karimi
Dear Heart2Heart,
This was a splendid article/experience/story. I become more acquainted with
Sai Baba and how he lived His daily life among devotees, and how He guides and
teaches us how to live; how to live in silence but not in recluse, but
in the world; in humility and in His Divine Presence always.
I presently reside in North America.
Thank you for your wonderful work, Love and seva,
Sai Ram,
Jutta Benner
Feedback on the article “IS THE WORLD A STAGE? ”By Dr. Sara Pavan Click here to read it again
Sai Ram,
I am a young parent. I think parents now need more info like this to do their parenting duties properly. The world is in such a state that raising kids is becoming a challenging task for poor parents. Please put more articles about Sai parenting and how parents should handle the teenage years of their kids. I think teenage years are the most difficult parenting time.
Saiyinthie Yogesan,
Perth, Australia.
Aum Sai Ram,
I am a single parent (widowed), with 2 little kids (ages 6 and 8) and over the years, I cannot explain enough how Sai Parenting has influenced my life! If I cannot find a solution to an issue in my home, I take my Sai Parenting out and read it. I call it my bible. Over the years I have had the opportunity to give this as a gift to many parents, showing them very simply what our beloved Sai requires. Thank you and I hope every parent will be blessed with a copy. Please forward more articles on parenting so that we can live the correct way with Swami's teachings at hand.
Joan Reddy,
RMB Private Bank, Relationship Manager.
Feedback on the article The article: A MOTHER'S AGONY Click here to read it again
Dear H2H team,
I don’t have a personal experience I can share with you but surely I can say that this story, like so many before, is once again an overwhelming one. If fills my heart with immense love and joy for God, that in his boundless compassion and love for one and all, takes care of those that seem to have been forgotten by society and even God. But HE is there in the darkest moments, not only to rescue us but to fill our hearts with joy and hope. These are the moments our faith gets strengthened, our hope increases and our wish to share our joy with our fellow men is born and growing. The longing for God and the love given to us by the all pervading, our dearest mother and father can't wait any longer to flow.
Loving Sai Ram,
General Feedback
Dear H2H team,
H2H magazine is spreading brilliance and radiance around the world since its inception. Quality is so great that the readers shall not miss any of the articles right from editorial to quiz contest.
After getting involved in reading H2H magazine, our Sunday routine has dramatically changed. Early morning Sunday bhajan at local Sai Centre automatically drags us. Back home, our routine prayers are continued. Thereafter sitting in study area, we focus on Sai Radio simultaneously reading all the articles in H2H magazine.
Prior to the above transformation, our interest was on a Sunday TV schedule. Listening to the programmes on Sai Radio is so soothing to our ears and viewing the Sai Videos is so cooling to our eyes. Swami's omnipresence is felt through all our senses after the transformation.
He formed the World and transformed Humanity. H2H team is the most blessed one to work as part of His Mission.
Sai Ram,
Feedback on Sai Inspires, our daily inspirational e-mail service .
Dear Sirs
Thank you so much for yours emails and the words that are beautiful in the Sai Inspires. I look forward to reading them every morning.
Kathleen Anderson
Hi Team!
I really missed you bunch of guys! I always kick-start my day reading H2H and felt quite lost without your mails in my Inbox.
Great to have y'all back. You've made my day. Keep doing the great job you folks do - spread Baba's message of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-Violence. Our world needs Baba's sage guiding advice, now more than ever. Wishing you all more Sai Power.
Smiles and Sunshine
Om Sai Ram H2H Team,
This e-mail is just to say: I am so glad to receive your inspirational messages again! Thank you for all your wonderful work!
Sai Ram from Rita-Maria
Linnenkamp, Holland
Dear Sir,
Sai Ram! It was really very disheartening not to receive H2H for such a long time. It is like daily dose of Swami's amrit. Heart-felt thanks for resuming it.
Capt (IN) PS Raghuvanshi
Sairam Heart2Heart Team,
All I can say is, thanks to you each day I get closer and closer to my Sai. The messages each day strangely seem very apt for the kind of situation I am in. They keep reminding me that at the end of it all, it is only between me and God, and that His love is the only constant factor - nothing else.
God bless you.
Warm regards,
Dear Editors of Heart2Heart,
This thank you note is long overdue. Thank you for this excellent service - the words you select from the vast collection of Swami's writings and speeches always seem to have the right message at right time.
Sai Ram, With lots of love and gratitude,
Jeroo Captain.
– Heart2Heart Team