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5 - Issue 03 MARCH 2007
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Responses to the February Issue Articles Sai Ram! Again I have been touched by a new article "Rays of Virtue and Grace" by Mataji Indra Devi, who was my Yoga teacher after she moved from the States to Argentina till her death. Thanks very much for bringing us the beautiful stories. Nora, Argentina Sairam, The quizzes which have been in the Radio Sai website are very good and I know some new things from that wonderful spiritual quiz. Please post some more questions and update that quiz once in a week or twice in a month. Thanking You, Shanmukha Rao. [Dear Shanmukha, we now have two quizzes every month, one on multi-faith and the other on H2H – H2H Team] Sai Ram, When I first looked at this article I thought, "Oh no, this physics stuff is way over my head." But Prof. Venkataraman’s mix of storytelling and science is a delight to read, and I look forward to more by him. As always, I love your H2H daily quotes and links. Sai Love, Christiane, Santa Barbara, Calif. Sairam, I recently sent you writing about Sai Baba as a teacher. I just finished reading the excellent article about Bolivia and I remembered my favourite Baba-teacher story. I was isolated twenty-five years ago from Baba devotees. Yet I expected Vibhuti to be sent to me whenever I ran out. I prayed and I received packets somehow. However, at the beginning of one semester no Vibhuti arrived. The first day of classes I needed to fix a student enrolment problem at the Registrar's Office. The Office was crowded. A student waved her computer punch card. Her name was, "Vibhuti." I wanted tell her that although enrolled in another class, she belonged in my class, but I didn't. Instead I found her in my class later that day. The ash arrived that week, but I learned sacred Vibhuti was my students and my duty as their teacher. Baba was teaching as always. Mary Hoffman General Responses Sairam, I think I haven't adequately expressed how thankful and grateful I am to the Radio Sai, H2H and Sai Inspires services. Only last year I came to know about Radio Sai and since then it has been a joy to sit at the computer. It is like having satsang everyday. It was wonderful to listen to all the interviews in the 'listen again' section - the good old days of Mrs. Geetha Ram with Swami, the enlightening talks of Dr. Sandweiss, Dr. Hislop, Prof. Venkataraman, the students of Swami who went to the US and the like. I benefited immensely from the Bhagavad Gita chants as I had to take a balavikas class for the students of Sri Sathya Sai school near my town. The Sai Inspires service is our daily tonic and the h2h articles and stories are a grand feast. Spiritually undernourished as we were all these years, with the advent of Radio Sai we are bubbling with spiritual energy or Sai energy. Wonder why no one thought of all this years before? My heartfelt thanks to all your team members. With the blessings of Bhagavan may you live long and continue your priceless service to humanity. Sairam, with love and regards, Latha, TN, India .
Dear H2H, I have just read your most inspiring article about the Sai movement in Guatemala and it really gladdens my soul to know how Baba is spreading his love throughout the world. I am Vasigaren Pather of South Africa and am truly inspired and look forward to the daily messages that you send out from H2H. The daily inspirations from Swami really have the power to uplift our souls and guide us along the spiritual path to Him. I would like to see every school in the world practice the EHV programme of education that Swami has instituted. I believe that it is the only way that we will begin to realise that we are all one. My wish is to come to Puttaparthi and meet Swami or at least be in his presence this year. Please keep up the good work that you are all doing. Sai Ram. Responses to the Sunday Special Article, The Police Constable and the Police Commissioner, sent on Feb 11th 2007
Sairam, Thank you for the discourse. I appreciate what your team has aimed to do, and it is clearly accepted. However, we the Sai devotees around the world are not affected by these comments and remarks of the ignorant and less informed. It is our task as the Sai organization to reinforce continuously the teachings of Bhagavan until we understand at a deeper and deeper level, until nothing (no remarks, comments, insults or stones) thrown at Swami or ourselves can harm us. My request to all Sai devotees: Draw from the Master, look deeply and yearn for a deeper and better understanding and Swami will teach you how to become stronger, to the point that people will start seeing the force within the different nations, the force that is the Sai Force within ourselves. Ignore all comments, lead a life full of bliss and tranquility and love. Hate none for his lack of knowledge, as he has not been fortunate to know Swami in this lifetime! Sairam, Maistry, Nerven Dear Sir, What a soothing and convincing article dispelling the clouds of hostile criticism against Swami. Thanks for the timely messages of this kind given by H2H. Sai Ram, Badri Responses to the Sunday Special Article: "Mastering the Art of Living " sent on Jan 21st 2007 Sai Ram, dearest friends, Thank you so much for that lovely - and very pictorial speech from the student. I enjoyed reading it very much, as it teaches a lot in the practical sense of the world on 'how to create our own happiness and success in daily life', and also the colourful story of the father and son, teaching us all about the richness in our hearts and everything around us, but that we don't realize, sometimes...Lovely! Definitely a very illustrative and simply told story to remind us all how to really put into practice what Swami is teaching all along! Thank you very much. I would love to read more... Sincerely, Prema Ram Sairam, Thank you. Just as I sat and wondered about some things, the poems in this note of -'mastering the art of living' was so beautiful - If God in person came to spend some time with us too. Discipline in one’s life is to do the things we do, knowing that God is watching us all day long and night too. This poem was an answer to my question. Love and Gratitude, Srilatha Dear H2H, I find the talks and articles by Swami's students inspiring because they are living in the Lord's presence and coping with a demanding and very high standard of required behaviour and study. Their’s is a practical application of Swami's teachings from which we can all learn. Not all of us can be at Swami's Feet for months at a time or receive His undivided attention over many evenings. Jai Sai Ram, Stefania Sai Ram Heart2Heart Team, First, let me say you are doing such an excellent job with the production of the listeners' journal and the Sai Inspires emails. Second, I wanted to say I was quite struck and impressed by the student's article and enjoyed it very much. I would look forward to other such articles in the future if you found it to be appropriate to add them on, either as Sai Inspires attachments or in the journal itself. Thank you and Sai Ram, Ben Sai Ram, I just read the above titled article and I am so spellbound. I love it so much and I am aspiring to also master the art of living. Please continue to send us such beautiful articles. Thank you so much. Regards, Tilaka Sairam, I read this article written by a Student of Swami. It was excellent. In fact I was not happy and was worried after I had some arguments with an individual in our housing society. I was unable to "let it go" and this was bothering me. After I read this article, I thought that it is sent by Swami just for me. Thanks a ton to that student who made it possible for me to "let go" a past event. Jai Sairam, Varadharajan (kumar) To the Heart 2 Heart team, Sairam! I just thought I would drop this note back to the team who has been behind the daily awe-inspiring messages from Swami and thank them profusely. I was going through a phase in my life with a lot of questions and constant dialogue with Swami on why things happen the way they were happening with me. I was reading the Sai Inspires message daily to make sure I am on the path that Swami wants me on. The issue on 21st January with the title "Mastering The Art Of Living" was an instant answer to so many of my questions. My sincere thanks to the student who put together these thoughts from Swami in a manner that convey the message so crisply. I would also like to mention that the effort by the team to put together the messages is amazing and impacts the lives of so many who subscribe to it in a big way. I am a humble devotee of Swami based in Singapore and the messages make sure that we are in constant communion with Swami's message for our lives daily. I thank you one and all! Sairam, Niranjan Rao Sairam, The Chicagoland devotees were blessed yesterday, to hear a nectarine talk dripping with Swami's Love and Message given by our dear Sister Geetha Ram. The article "Mastering the Art of Living" by Swami's young student took off where she left off! It is exquisite in its rendering - hopefully we can take it to Heart and reflect and restore our mundane life to its pristine glory. Thank you from Chicago . I am sending this article to our SSE (Sai Spiritual Education) children and families. I Pray to Swami to inspire them as He has inspired me.
SSE Coordinaor W Suburb Chicago Sai Center Om Sai Ram! The article is so inspiring...(I have to take time to reflect...) Swami's students are indeed Golden. And yes, I would very much like more such contributions from students of Swami's University. Thank you for all your efforts. Om Sai Ram, Tina Hribar, Trifunovic, Slovenia – Heart2Heart Team ![]() |
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You can write to us at : h2h@radiosai.org |
Vol 5 Issue 03 - MARCH 2007
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Story from Heart to Heart E-Magazine: https://archive.sssmediacentre.org/Journals © H2H 2007 |