- Feedback from our readers on the March 2009 issue
Feedback on the cover story: Abodes of Happiness... The Abounding Grace of Sai to Orissa
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Every month, I eagerly await the new edition of Heart to Heart, because I get deeply touched and moved to tears on reading about various service projects, as well as the experiences of various devotees and students.
This month's article on the wonderful rehabilitation project for the flood-affected areas in Orissa was an eye-opener for me. To read about the manner in which the entire project has been conducted just moved me to tears. Knowing about how much suffering those villagers had to go through made me realize that I should learn to count my blessings.
Swami is as tender as a rose. He gets moved by any suffering that His children undergo. Wherever His children are, His hand reaches out to them. I had tears in my eyes reading the entire story - how these people suffered and how much faith they now have in Swami, about how they now want to build a temple for Swami and how Swami was overwhelmed on hearing about the villagers!
I can go on citing so many instances that moved me. A truly inspiring story! Thank you so very much for bringing out such lovely articles. I feel Swami speaks to me directly through all these articles.
Thank you once again! Jai Sairam!
Chennai, India
Thank you for publishing the Orissa project story. I was amazed by the work done. At the end of the story, I just started applauding spontaneously. Till now, I had thought that during calamities people only talk of doing many things. But our Sai has always done more than expectations. My words can never be equal the magnitude of Sai’s grace in this world.
Thank you for your online magazine. Sitting away from India, Heart2Heart is a very big way of being closer to Sai.
My heart is overwhelmed. As I read, watched, and listened to Lord Sai’s love translated into action, I prayed that my heart also would overflow with this love, and that I, too, would translate it into acts of service towards all. This article has indeed been instructive and challenging to me.
Jai Sai Ram!
Wilbert M. Stephenson,
Brooklyn, New York, USA
I felt moved by such a very beautiful and moving story about the Orissa programme. It was very well written and documented. Many of the details concerning how much Sai has done for this project are unknown throughout the world. Can the story be sent to various news agencies throughout the world?
Well done yet again,
Doug Saunders,
New Zealand
I was deeply moved by the Grace and Compassion of Lord Sai and could not stop crying at His Mercy. There is none other than Lord Sai concerned about the welfare of Mankind.
Rama Rao
Your article about Orissa was very touching. It is wonderful how Swami's love and grace touches people all over the world and makes His presence felt. Keep sending such stories please.
Sai Ram,
Feedback on: He Lived His Message... And Shared His Love
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I was also one of the very fortunate students who were moulded by Prof. Habbu and I am very happy to convey that his inspiration influenced me a lot in my career. Though it is about 25 years ago that I was a student of the school, some of his favourite inspiring statements like “Not high …but a low ambition is a crime!” still reverberate in my mind when I think of him. He truly had “hands in the society and head in the forest”.
Years later also, he fondly remembered every aspect of my student days and lovingly invited me every time I had come to Puttaparthi, for a tea in his house. I fondly recollect the long discussions we had about education, science and spirituality. I thus had the good fortune to be rekindled by his motivating spirit. Bhagavan, thanks for placing me under his care as a higher secondary student between 1984 and 1986.
M. Krishnamurthy
Congratulations for bringing out one of the finest article ever read in Heart to Heart magazine. It is said “It’s is not so important what people talk about you when you were alive, but what is more important is how people remember you when you are no longer available to them.” The best ever literary tribute a person can get, an article in H2H did just that. Great!
One aspect that might have been over looked was that Habbu Sir was a literary person and he always used to encourage boys to write articles. Due credit should go to him for starting “the school magazine” way back in 1980. Mr. V.K. Gokak, the first Vice-Chancellor of SSSU, in his book “The Man and The Avatar” thanks Mr. Habbu for his invaluable help and inputs.
The Sun makes no distinction in giving out its light and warmth to all. So too Sri Habbu lived his life giving out his light (wisdom, knowledge) and warmth (understanding) to all those who crossed his path.
God is known for showering gifts on mankind and we are indeed grateful to Him. Sri Habbu is indeed one of the rare gifts.
Love and regards,
B. Vinay
I was very glad to read the article on the life of Prof. Habbu. There are so many such effective instruments of Bhagawan who have played such an important role in His mission but are relatively unknown to the outside world.
Such articles will help spread the fragrance of their silent sacrifice all over. Keep up the good work...
Best Regards,
Shashank Shah,
Sri Sathya Sai University, Prashanti Nilayam
I was a student of Professor. I finished my schooling and went on to complete my MBA. After leaving, I visited him often and also was a part of the seva program that he set up in the year 2002 and 2003. He was a very noble person and was dedicated to Bhagavan's principles and teachings.
We used to observe him on the veranda chanting 'Om Namah Shivaya' when Swami would go for interviews. I picked up this habit from Professor and to this day I chant the Gayathri Manthra when I am walking or have spare time. This is the strong influence that he had on me. We, his direct students are living testimonies of the ideals that Habbu sir lived for. Please convey my regards to the team that provided the wonderful memories. Thanks once again.
Bharadwaj Vvan
Feedback on: in Quest of Infinity
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I love the series - my humble pranams to Prof. Venkataraman - if only I can personally thank him for making this colossal and mind boggling subject so readable and understandable.
Maybe this series can be brought out in a book form. I am pretty sure it will be a best seller or in a documentary format for television - it can reach many people. This series puts Vedanta on a pedestal in that Science is now uttering its truths! We are truly on the threshold of a Brave New Sai World!
Great job and the effort that goes behind it must be truly tremendous.
Jai Sai Ram,
Tony Bong,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Feedback on: Spiritual Questions and Answers - Part 5
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This series is superb. It answers many questions and thoughts I have had. In fact all the articles on H2H have been thought provoking and inspiring, not to mention educational. I am personally indebted to you for all the knowledge you have imparted to me via the website and for that I express my heartfelt gratitude.
Jai Sai Ram,
Kaventha Bridgmohan,
South Africa
Feedback on: My Sai - The Soul of My Life
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I just now read an article about Ms. S. Lakshmi and her experience of Baba’s love. I could not contain my feelings. I would love to be one of His devotees. Only His grace can make it happen. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart to keep us all connected and will look forward to receiving your journal now onwards.
Love and regards,
Savjeet Kaur,
Thank you very much for publishing this beautiful and inspiring article. I am deeply inspired by the love and devotion of this Sai sister. She is truly exemplary in her attitude and faith and was so generous to share her incredible experiences with all of us. Very touching, thank you.
Best regards,
Ellesha Wanigasekera,
Toronto, Canada
The article touched my heart. A very true to life experience, narrated so frankly which gave the reader an insight into how life throws challenges to us - but if God's grace is showered how things can change! The author was very honest in presenting the facts for the benefit of our inspiration. I thank him for sharing his divine experiences and Heart to Heart team for bringing out such a moving article.
Girija BV
Yes, this true depiction of another of Swami’s miracles was indeed inspiring. The writer has been very open in explaining all that he has experienced.
Thanks to Swami,
This article was absolutely heart-warming and inspiring and I definitely enjoyed it. I especially loved the poem at the end of the article. Thank you for sharing such people's experiences with us.
Mohini B. Rupani,
Kobe, Japan
I have just finished reading this inspirational story that moved me to tears. I now understand that Swami is indeed a most benevolent God who resides in all His children regardless whether they believe in Him or not. Thank you for your efforts in sharing such inspirational stories.
With lots of love,
Julia Aich,
Dubbo, Australia
Feedback on: The Unknown Hero
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Thanks for the wonderful account of the astonishing "unknown Hero" and for recognising his services of 22 years of toil. Let’s hope people start to appreciate and emulate such noble qualities. Thanks to Swami for making us share the glory of unknown hero.
Sai Ram,
Bhagirathi Radhakrishnan
The story of the unknown hero, Dasarath Manji is very inspiring. I enjoyed it thoroughly and shared it with my family. Thank you for publishing such articles which are real eye openers. Keep up the good work.
Vidya Alekal
It was just great. I realised my actual status, how small I am and how great Sri Dasarath is.
Thanks and Sai Ram,
Harendra Singh,
Feedback on: The Ramayana Quiz
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I just attempted the Ramayana Quiz. I found it very interesting and a very nice way of teaching moral values to the children. I hope we will be able to see many more of such quizzes online.
Thank you,
Jayanthi Sridhar,
Feedback on: Sai Inspires, the inspirational daily e-mail service
I wish to thank you a million times from the bottom of my heart for your prompt emails. I eagerly look forward to Sai Inspires and all the wonderful leelas of Swami, depicted with photos and enriching reading material. Each of these inspirational quotes seems to answer a query of my heart.
With loving regards and Sai Ram,
Geetha S.
I daily download and enjoy Sai Inspires and also take down notes of some of them for my further reading. It is a beautiful service for the benefit of the mankind as a whole. Please keep it going. I feel blessed.
Om Sudrania
General Feedback
I love reading all the stories you provide on this journal. It helps me through everyday situations and it literally lights up my day. It brings me closer to Prashanti Nilayam and to physical nearness to Baba. Although He is always with us, we all cherish the moments we can spend near His physical self.
Thank you so much for the love and the effort you put in the stories, reports and pictures - it helps us overseas devotees yearn just a little bit less for the next time Baba calls us to His Ashram. May Baba bless you and keep up the great work that makes me happy every day.
Sai Ram,
Helena Emling,
Thank you very much for the journal which I am very happy to read. I like each and every section very much and I hope you will continue this great seva.
The journal makes me feel that I'm a little bit closer to Prashanti Nilayam and it helps me to get wiser and to remember and live the teachings of our beloved Swami. I only hope that the journal will always be available. I like it as it is at present.
Sai Ram and all the best,
Abildgaard, Denmark