Sri Sudhir Bhaskar, faculty,
Management School, speaking next informed the crowd that the
National Affiliation Accreditation Committee rated the Sri
Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning as “A++”
or the highest rank possible, in December 2002. Crediting
this high evaluation to the integral system of education imparted
by the Institute, even for the professional courses, Sri Sudhir
said that Bhagavan Himself was the designer of this system
of education.
Acceding to the requests for a Divine Discourse,
the benevolent Lord got up and spoke for 45 minutes.
He held that mere acquisition of knowledge is not education,
but the imbibing and cultivation of human values is the real
benchmark. Praising the students of the Institute in glowing
terms, He compared them to diamonds - obedient to elders,
courteous towards relatives, impressing everyone with their
good conduct and sweet words. He also praised their creative
thinking and said that they were exemplary role models in
their behaviour. In conclusion, Swami said that the country
had nothing to fear. Bharat will certainly become a land of
prosperity and plenty. He also said that the students will
contribute a lot to the development of the nation and that
they are its future leaders.