After this Swami decided to bless these devotees with His
Divine Discourse, and answer their intense night long prayers.
In His Discourse, He exhorted all devotees to do constant
Namasmarana for mental peace. Having put on the vesture
of the human body, one cannot escape difficulties. Though
the physical body may undergo difficulties, efforts should
be made to attain peace of mind. Namasmarana or contemplation
of God is the only means, said Swami, to attain peace of mind.
Contemplation of God is the royal path that would remove all
types of worries. Swami said that He was touched that so many
of them had come to Parthi with love-filled hearts though
they were facing hardship and suffering back home. Swami blessed
all of them so that they would soon be relieved of their sufferings.
Like a loving mother, Swami gave a sumptuous lunch to all
of them in the canteen, before they left for their places.