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‘Seeking the Spirit in the Cell’

At a catalytic learning opportunity that raises the average level of scientific I.Q. by several molecular points, budding scientists converge at the Sathya Sai School of Canada’s annual Science Fair every March/April. Weeks of scientific enquiry, research, hard work and perseverance by students and their families come together in the 120 Scientastic projects that the students from Grade 1 to Grade 6 usually present.

Projects based on hypothesis, scientific method, research and conclusions provide the students and their families with a great opportunity to work together as a team. They build models and explore the secrets of Science together, building the essential family bond which is an integral component of their Value Parenting Program.

Another value-added component of the Science Fair project is to challenge the students to integrate their Science project with a human value, compelling young scientists to seek the ‘spirit in the cell’.

Here are some of the comments from the external judges:

The work produced by the students was absolutely phenomenal.

The student presentations were excellent. They were well prepared and well researched, which made judging easier.  Also, for students who integrated values into their project: two thumbs up!  It was wonderful to see the five values expressed in the form of a scientific experiment, for example Darini Hariharan from Grade 1 whose project was on the 3 R's – it was very environmentally conscious, yet still scientific. 

The sportsmanship among the primary grades was exemplary.  They were all really encouraging to one another and trying to calm each other down before the presentations.  I didn't feel that these students were "competing" at all.”

Tasha Jeyanathan, Science Fair Judge

The Science Fair held at the Sathya Sai School was an impressive event. It is wonderful that the teachers have encouraged their students at such a young age, to explore the world of science, utilizing the process of scientific inquiry. Since our world today is heavily dependent on science and technology, the Science Fair was a worthwhile venture to encourage students to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the world around them.

The ability to communicate effectively is an important life skill. The Science Fair was well-designed, because in addition to asking students to conduct a scientific investigation, students were expected to present their findings.

Janani & Rubini Pathy,

Science Fair Judges

The finalists clearly articulated the problem they were investigating, the purpose of their experiment, and their hypothesis. The students have developed, and are further developing their ability to reason in a logical manner, to articulate a problem and find a realistic answer using a step-by-step procedure.

It was also such a pleasure to see students drawing forth metaphors and important lessons about human values from their science fair topics! This awareness and broader perspective in the students and staff is one of the qualities that make the Sathya Sai School so special.

Francisco Kibedi, Science Fair Judge


- Heart2Heart Team

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Vol 5 Issue 06 - JUNE 2007
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