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Posted on: Feb 23, 2016
SAI PANCHARATNA Kritis - Tutorial
T he Sai Pancharatnas is a musical bouquet of five songs in Telugu specially written and composed in classical carnatic style in adoration of Bhagawan. They were first presented by an array of eminent musicians and Swami's students in the Sai Kulwant Hall on the occasion of Aradhana Mahotsavam Day - April 24, 2015.Soon after this, we published the lyrics and the meaning of these exceptional compositions. This was received enthusiastically by devotees. However we received a lot of requests for the musical notations of these songs. We are happy that we now have them for you! Not only this, we also have a tutorial where each song is being taught line by line. We hope this will help anyone who wants to learn these classics and make their own musical offering to Swami.
Like in 2015, this year too a galaxy of distinguished musicians and students will make this reverential offering at His lotus feet on the Aradhana Day. Meanwhile, you can learn, so that you too can sing along wherever you may be!
[The songs were composed by Dr. Vasanthalakshmi of Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music and set to music by noted musician Mr. Rajkumar Bharathi, great-grandson of the famous poet and freedom fighter Subrahmanya Bharathiar.]Download Pronunciation Guide
SongLyrics Notation Audio Tutorial 01. Praṇamāmi SāyīśaDownload Download Download 02. Sadā BhāvayāmiDownload Download Download 03. Caraṇa SēvanamDownload Download Download 04. Kaliyuga Avatāri Download Download Download 05. Satya Sāyi AvatāraDownload Download Download
Praṇamāmi Sāyīśa
Sadā Bhāvayāmi
Caraṇa Sēvanam
Kaliyuga Avatāri
Satya Sāyi Avatāra
praṇamāmi sāyīśa |
The first song is tuned to the Ragam Gambhira Naattai, which is derived from the ‘parent’ Ragam Naattai. Like the latter, Gambhira Naattai is considered auspicious for beginning a musical offering, especially because it generates an atmosphere of vigour and dynamism. The beat is that of Adi Talam. Offering salutations to the Sustainer of the Universe, the opening song expresses adoration to the Lord for graciously taking birth in human form to shower Love and Compassion and guide us on the path of Dharma. Recalling the blessing of Divine Motherhood conferred on Mother Easwaramma of the Ratnakara family, the song celebrates the early days of Swami who mixed pranks, music and Leelas with profound teachings, making the daily experience of early devotees like the dance of waves on the Divine Ocean of Love. Oh! How fortunate and blessed those devotees were! Pallavi: praṇamāmi sāyīśa sakala bhuvana śubhakara ghanacarita Meaning: I bow before You Lord Sai, the bestower of auspiciousness to the entire Universe; the one whose story is the most glorious; the preserver of all creation, the source of all virtues and the crest jewel of the entire Ratnakara clan. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Anupallavi: praṇatārtihara śivaśakti rūpa bhāradvāja gōtrōdbhava
Meaning: O dispeller of the devotees’ distress, You are the embodiment of Shiva and Shakti; the One born in sage Bharadwaja’s lineage. (When) the earth itself has been sanctified by the touch of Your feet; (then) who can equal You in compassion? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (1) nī divyāvatāramu kalilō prēma itihāsamu Meaning: Your divine incarnation is a saga of Love in this kali age; Your feet is my refuge, it confers upon me devotion and liberation. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (2) sādhu maunijana prārthana phalitam īśvarāmba suta nī jananam Meaning: Your birth as the son of Easwaramba is the fruition of the prayers of sages and saints, It upholds Dharma and ushers in a glorious future for the entire mankind. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (3) sūrya candrāgni trinētra śōbhita rūpa jita bhakta hṛdaya Meaning: Your form is adorned with the Sun, Moon, Fire and the third eye; it is capturing the hearts of the devout. You dispel the worry of the ignorant folk by teaching them Your three fold message - Daiva preethi, papa bheethi, sanga neethi (Love for God, Fear of sin, Morality in Society). ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (4) candrabimbamuna sūryagōḷamuna veligē tējō rūpam
Meaning: Your radiant form was seen in the moonshine and in the solar orb; The very next moment You granted the glorious vision of Dasaavathara (Ten Incarnations of Lord Vishnu). ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ (5) sangīta sarvajña naigama pāramya bhāṣyārtha vacōnipuṇa Meaning: Knower of all music; Expert in explaining the essence of all esoteric knowledge, Your playful pranks and miracles are exhilarating, fascinating, divine, grand, unique and nectarous. Your feet are our ultimate goal. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (6) kōrina phalamulanella nosage cinta drumam Meaning: The tamarind tree was transformed into the wish fulfilling tree, it gave everything Your childhood friends desired; You possess the Sathya Sankalpa (Resolve of Truth) that make things happen the moment You will it. O embodiment of love, Sai, Your palm itself is verily the wish-fulfilling tree. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (7) ādi antyamulēni adbhuta līlā vinōdam Meaning: Sai's delightful and fascinating play is without a beginning or an end; Sai’s love is like the gently dancing waves. For the devotees, at one moment it is an overwhelming Divine experience (with You) but the very next instant, it is a powerful attraction to Your (human side) true love. To have recognised Your divinity even when You were young, is indeed a grand fortune of the devotees of yore.
sadā bhāvayāmi |
This song is in the mellifluous Ragam Mayamalava Gaula which is supposed to evoke the 'freshness of the morning'. Being simple to learn, to sing this Ragam is also considered to be a gateway to Carnatic music. Like the previous song, this one is also set to Adi Talam. In this song the singers, after declaring that they always meditate on the Poorna Avatar aspect of Swami, eulogize His Compassion, the Prema with which He would join in during Vedam recitations though He Himself is the Source of the Vedas. The song also recalls the glory of the Vibhuti abhishekam Swami performed, and His bringing forth Lingam from within. Lord He was of everything and yet, Swami made sacrifice the fragrance of His Life! As the Poorna Avatar, His entire attention was reserved for us, while the vast Cosmos received but a glance! How fortunate we are! Pallavi: sadā bhāvayāmi śrī satya sāyi paripūrṇāvatāram Meaning: I always meditate on Sri Sathya Sai, the complete and absolute incarnation of God. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Anupallavi: sadā nādōpāsita mōdam Meaning: One who always delighted in music, adorning an illusionary human form. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Charanam: prēma tanumaniśam karuṇā hṛdayam Meaning: The embodiment of love with a compassionate heart. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (1) vēdapuruṣa vēdapōṣakam vēdasārarūpa vēdagānalōlam Meaning: One who is extolled in the Vedas, the sustainer of the Vedas; His form is the very essence of the Vedas; One who enjoys the recitation of the Vedas. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (2) lingōdbhava bhasmābhiṣēka līlā vilāsa parti śivam Meaning: He is Parthi Shiva who brings forth the holy Linga, performs the miraculous Vibhuti abhisheka ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (3) nēnunḍaga bhayamēlananucu abhayamosage anugraha vṛṣṭi Meaning: He is the one who showers abundant grace by declaring, “Why fear when I am here?” ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (4) bhaktāpamṛtyu haraṇam gatajīva prāṇa pradāyakam Meaning: Who wards off the fear of death through devotion, Who brings back to life even the dead. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (5) pūvu puṭṭaganē parimaḷincu rīti bāla prāyambuna tyāgaśīlata nerape Meaning: Just like a flower spreads fragrance even as it blossoms, (Sathya Sai) taught the virtue of sacrifice in childhood itself. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (6) nī avatāra paramārthamunu suntaina teliyudurē Meaning: Who can ever comprehend even a fraction of the glory of Your incarnation! With boundless love You have revealed Yourself to all. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. puruṣulalōna puruṣuḍavu pasivārilōna bāluḍavu Meaning: You are a man among the men, child among the children, a woman among women; thus You become the beloved knowing each one’s heart and fulfilling their desires. When alone You are the emperor of the Universe. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (8) yuvataku anusaraṇīyam satyam samaya pālanam Meaning: You set an ideal for youth, by adhering to Truth and punctuality, Through speaking that is good, limited and soft, through appropriate mannerisms. Every act is suffused with refinement and the feeling of service. Truth is Your eternal vow, Sai’s life is His message to the world. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (9) dīna jana sēvayē sāyiki santuṣṭi Meaning: Serving the destitute alone satisfies Sai, His compassionate gaze is on all living beings O Son of Easwaramma, the giver of all wealth, The entire creation functions by Your mere glance.
caraṇa sēvanam parama pāvanam
This song is in the Ragam Arabhi which is a very energetic tune, lending itself to much creative expression. As earlier, the song is set to Adi Talam. This song celebrates the 'human aspect' of Swami. Swami gave Himself so freely to His devotees and especially to His students that even the Devas became jealous! Planting Himself inside as the Divine Light (Atma Jyoti) of every single individual, Swami was Mother, Father, Brother and Friend to everyone, but where students were concerned, Swami went even further to claim them as His property! Could there b a greater blessing?
Pallavi: caraṇa sēvanam parama pāvanam Meaning: Serving the lotus feet is the most auspicious. Sai's name and form are most nectarous and sweet. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Anupallavi: ariṣaḍvarga haraṇam hariṣaḍvarga varadam Meaning: Vanquisher of the six vices, bestower of the six divine qualities (Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema, Ahimsa and Thyaaga) and the One who has the ability to transform multitudes of people. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Charanam: kāruṇya lāvaṇya kamanīya gātram Meaning: The One whose enchanting voice is full of compassion and charm. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (1) akhaṇḍa vibhuti vaibhava sundaram Meaning: The beautiful One of endless glory and grandeur. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (2) satyam śivam sundaram mānavathā mūlya sambharitam Meaning: The One who is embodiment of Truth, Auspiciousness and Beauty and repository of human values. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (3) vinaya bhāsura mṛdu subhāṣaṇa sahana śīla tyāgamaya rūpa Meaning: The One who is radiant with humility, sweet in speech and forbearing by nature has sacrifice as His form. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (4) pancabhūtādhāra sarvajīvanādhāra Meaning: The One who is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, and is the basis of all five elements and all lives. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (5) vātsalyādi guṇōjjvala sāyi sadayā Meaning: Sai's compassion glows with motherly love. One who bestows bliss and tender hearted. He is the dearest friend of His devotees and who is the effulgent knowledge in their minds. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (6) māta pita guru daivamu mari sakhuḍavu nīvaināvu Meaning: You have become our mother, father, preceptor, friend and God. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. animiṣulakīsu janimpaga antēvāsula dariśana vēḷa Meaning: Even the gods are jealous of the Anthevaasis (those who have Swami's proximity) when You grant them darshan .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
kaliyuga avatāri bhagavan srī satya sāyi |
The next song is arranged in that Crown Jewel amongst Ragams, namely Todi. A challenging tune, it is tough to render. But handled with skill, it allows singers to exhibit a wide range in creative tonal modulation, especially at a medium pace at which the Ragam is best sung. This song not only expresses deep adoration for the Avatar of the Kali Age but, more importantly, sings the glory of Swami’s various social welfare projects. The song is intended to elevate the musical tempo to a great height, before preparing to bring the curtain down. Pallavi: kaliyuga avatāri bhagavan srī satya sāyi Meaning: Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai - the Divine Incarnation of the Kali Age. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Anupallavi: pālita jana mangaḷakāri pāvana citrātaṭa vihārī Meaning: You take care of people by bestowing auspiciousness; You dwell on the banks of sacred river Chithravathi. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Charanam: prēma sudhāpūram sēvā saundaryabhāsitam Meaning: You are full of nectarous love and You shine with the beauty of service. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (1) darahāsa vilasita vadana sarōjam Meaning: Your flower like face shines with a bright smile. You are adorned with curly hair. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (2) nī mṛdulādhara nirgaḷita vāksudhalu grōli Meaning: Soaking in the nectarous words emanating from Your tender lips and contemplating on them over and over again, filled with ecstasy, the minds which were in slumber are awakened to the reality. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (3) kalayō vaiṣṇavamāyayō Meaning: You have taught us that others are not truly others but very embodiments of Divinity and given us the opportunity to participate in gigantic service projects which reflects the power of Thy divine will and make us wonder if all these are a dream or a divine mystery. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (4) gangajaṭādhara kaṭākṣa vīkṣaṇamuna upponge sāyi ganga Meaning: The compassionate glance of Sai Shiva has given birth to the Sai Ganga Drinking Water Project. That project has slaked the thirst of the drought-struck millions. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (5) divya bhiṣagvaruḍu adbhuta bhavarōga nivāraṇa samarthuḍu Meaning: You are the wonderful Divine doctor; capable of curing even the disease of worldliness. As the dearest friend of the poor, You have established a temple of healing. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (6) tyāga yōgamulē punādi, satśīlamē paramāvadhi Meaning: Sacrifice and yoga as the foundation, ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. sāyi divya darśanam ghana pāpa nāśanam Meaning: The divine Darshan of Sai relieves one of the darkest sins. The touch of the Divine feet relieves one from bondage of actions. Singing the name of Sathya Sai brings about the union with the Atmic principle. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
satya sāyi avatāra vaibhavam |
The final Kriti is arranged in the Ragam Madhyamavati, often used to end a concert. As for the beat, this song also is set to Adi Talam. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Pallavi: satya sāyi avatāra vaibhavam, nitya nūtanam satya sanātanam Meaning: The grandeur of the Sathya Sai incarnation is ever new, true and eternal. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Anupallavi: satya dharma śānti prēma Meaning: You are the source of Universal Love that established Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi and Prema in every heart. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Charanam: prēma ēkaika matam sāyi bōdhāmṛtasāram Meaning: ‘Love is the only religion’ is the essence of Sai's ambrosial message. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (1) udātta mānavīya sēvayē ādhyātmika sādhana toli sōpānam Meaning: One who is extolled in the Vedas, the sustainer of the Vedas; Noble service to mankind is the first step in the practice of spirituality. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (2) grāma sēva, mari dīna jana sēvayē karma yōgam, cakkani rāja mārgam Meaning: Serving the villages and the downtrodden is true karma yoga (path of action) and verily the royal path. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (3) nāda brahma sāyi sankīrtanamē kalilō mukti mārgam Meaning: Singing the name of the Lord Sai, who is Nada Brahma (the Primordial Sound), is the pathway to liberation in the Kali age. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (4) bhāva rāga tāḷa mēḷana, bhajanānandamē bhakti mārgam Meaning: Experiencing bhajan bliss through the harmony of the feeling (Bhaava), tune (Raaga) and rhythm (Taala) is the path of Devotion (Bhakti Marga) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (5) sōham, sōham, sōham erukayē jñānam Meaning: Realising ‘I am That’ with every breath is the True Knowledge (Jnana). The path of Knowledge (Jnana Marga) therefore lies in finding You in every atom. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (6) kaluṣita kali mānava mēdhāhamkṛti dūrīkaraṇam Meaning: Warding away the intellectual arrogance of the impure minds of humanity in Kali age; ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. prēmākarṣaṇa śakti yuta sāyī Meaning: Sai is endowed with the magnetic power of Love. Sai is the Cosmic Being whose advent is for awakening the Divinity latent in all. Sai is the effulgent Consciousness which is eternal, pure and enlightened; the eternal protector of righteousness. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. (8) sāyi siddhāntamulu vannemīra sākāramāye Meaning: Sai's principles have taken shape in a grand manner turning the Earth into a land of righteousness, and the entire world into one family by spreading its effulgence in all directions. The grandeur of Sathya Sai is unique, ceaseless and infinite. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
Thank you and loving Sai Ram,
Team Radio Sai