Volume 15 - Issue 11
Nov 2017
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Posted on: Nov 17, 2017


Holding on to Him

Malini Arvind (India) - Poem

"The Churned "

Milk curdles to curd!

Curd churns to butter!

Butter melts to ghee!

Ghee is the ultimate form!!!!

Oh dear Body!! 

Curdle  thy holdings!!! churn thy sufferings !!! 

At every time!!

Churn to melt  upon being blessed  ! 

Melt to freeze upon HIM  ! 

Freeze unto HIM and thou not change!!


 Freezing keeps thy Soul immortal!!!!

As ! 

Milk curdles to curd!

Curd churns to butter!

Butter melts to Ghee!

Ghee freezes not to change!!!!

For !

Thy Soul is immortal and pure!!!

Thy Soul is eternal and blessed for sure !!!

Thy Soul churns and curdles all the say !!

Just to freeze upon HIM all the way !!!

The hidden treasure

When severity is the call of the hour ! 

When darkness is the colour of the day!! 

When misery is folding on every minute ! 

Oh dear Soul !!! 

Deep in the misery and forsaken ! 

Deep in the darkness and unknown fears!! 

Lies a hidden treasure ! 

The treasure of hope ! 

The treasure of love! 

The treasure of strength! 

The treasure of surrender! 

For ! 

The Surrendered and loving Souls ! 


Fractions  of HIM ! 

Holding on from heights and depths ! 

Holding with love ! 

Holding every moment!!

"Hold to Bond onto HIM "

Oh dear Mankind!

Be the inert gases!

Unreactive to every reaction!

Unloosened bondage with thy self!

Oh dear Mankind!

Be the inert gases!


Thy Soul getting enough space!

Holding Onto HIM!

Holding Onto HIS bondage!



Bonding So tight!

Bonding not so light!

Bonding so might!


Thy thoughts getting pure!

Thy thoughts getting concentrated!!

Be the inrt gases!!


Unreacted Soul is on HIS hold!

Holding Onto HIM!

That moment, every moment!!!!

"Seek HIM"

Precious Stones and metals!

Pompous storeys and monuments!

Proud Selfies and Malice!!

Oh dear Soul!

Stop these at once!

Stop not to Seek them!


The one to be Sought!

Is priceless than the precious stones!

Is Simple yet mightiest of all!!

Is Most loving and beautiful than Selfies!!


Is waiting to see the seeker in thou!! anytime, any moment!!!!

To hold on forever!


Thank you and loving Sai Ram,
Team Radio Sai


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