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Posted on: Sept 12, 2017
Radio Sai Bhajan Classroom
Bhajan -
Devi Sai Ma Devi Saraswati Ma
Radio Sai Bhajan Classroom is a weekly Live program on Radio Sai featured every Thursday wherein all aspects of one selected Sai bhajan are dealt with comprehensively.
Devi Sai Ma Devi Saraswati Ma
1) Devi Sai Ma Devi Saraswati Ma O Lord Sai! You are verily Mother Sai, the Goddess of all Knowledge and Wisdom. 2) Durga Bhavani Ma Kalikapalini Ma O Lord Sai! You are the Divine Mother who destroys all the negativity in us and purifies our beings. 3) Jagadodharini Ma O Lord Sai! You are the Mother Divine who uplifts and sustains this world. 4) (Sathya) Sai Daya Karo Ma O Lord Sai! Fill us with Thy grace and mercy please.
Bhajan Notation
Raga: Based on Kalavati and Janasammohini
Sruthi: C# Pancham
Beat (Tala): Keherwa or Adi Talam - 8 beat
Indian Notation -
Devi Sai Ma Devi Saraswati Ma
S G P n n D P D n n D P D P G P D P D P G R S
Durga Bhavani Ma Kali Kapalini Ma
n n n S’ S’ n D P P n S’ G’ R ’n’ n’ S’ n ’n ’ S’
Jagadodharini Ma
D D D n n D P P D P m P D
Sathya Sai Daya Karo Ma
P P G G P D P R n n S
Western Notation -
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