Learn lessons from the Sun, the Moon, clouds, sea - all are great teachers imparting to us the prime importance of discharging one's duty, without complaint. Trees distribute their fruits and their shade to everyone, even to those who lay the axe with an intention to destroy them! Mountains suffer heat, rain and storm without demur, and are plunged in meditation for ages. Birds do not hoard for years together, the wherewithal for food or shelter; they do not lament for they do not lavish affection on their progeny, more than absolutely necessary for their survival. Nature (Prakriti) is your school, your laboratory, the gateway to liberation, and the panorama of God's manifold majesty. Seek to know the lessons it is ready to teach; all things in Nature are as divine (Brahman) as you are! So, any act is Divine; any work is Divine worship. Build the mansion of your life on the strong foundation of the faith that all this is Brahman.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 4, 1970. |