Yashoda traces Krishna to the place He hides in, by the footprints He leaves, when He has broken the curds pot which she was churning. This is the symbolic story to illustrate how the Lord breaks our identification with the body and leads us on to Himself, by signs and signals that He provides all around us. These signs are ever present in the Nature around each one of us, in the beauty of the rising Sun, the ecstasy of the rainbow, the melody of the birds, the lotus-spangled surfaces of lakes, the silence of snow-crowned peaks - in fact, since God is Rasa (sweetness, essence), all Nature which is but Himself in action is sweet and ecstatic. With or without Form, It is Ananda or bliss. Welcome It into the heart, as Rama (He who is joy and grants joy) or as Krishna (He who draws you by means of the joy He imparts) and live all your moments with It, offering It your meditation, worship and contemplation. That will open the doors of wisdom and of liberation.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 16, 1968. |