Music is the royal path to liberation
There are many devotees who propagated the divine actions and the divine mystery through music. Ther

Music makes you forget yourself
One gets satisfaction by singing the miracles of God. Music, as all know, is melodious and pleasant

Khanda Khandantara
This is the motherland that has given birth to noble souls who who have earned fame in this country

Govinda Hare, Gopala Hare
Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Gopi Gopa Bala Govinda Harey, Gopala Harey, Hey Murali Gana Lola

Your heart is the seat of the Lord, it is reserved for Him
students must be vigilant and should not let bad and wicked thoughts enter their hearts. Good and sa

Music enraptures Divine
One cannot describe the sweetness of words and song. A small example to illustrate this: God is call

Music has the power to intoxicate anyone
People get angry when anyone addresses them as a big bandit. They will get angry and start an argume

We need to repose faith in God: Story of Nana Saheb Chandorkar; A shirdi Baba Devotee
One must have implicit faith in God’s words and conduct oneself in accordance with it. Then alone

Lyrics are not given importance in music today: Humorous analogy of Thyagaraja Krithi
In a music concert the musician concentrates on the ‘raga’, the tune, ‘tala’, the beat and t

Kanlundi Gruddulai
Though they have eye sight they are blind to look at the auspicious form of yours!! Thoug

Surdas and Krishna's Conversation: Chinnakatha
Once upon a time, Lord Krishna approached Surdas and said, “O Surdas, would you like t
Sai institutions provide everything at free of cost: With examples
A washer man had come from Gulbarga few days back. He said, “O Swami! You are truly God! We are cu

This is the sacred land where world renowned sages and seers were born, a country that got its freed

All fine arts are God's gifts
Music, literature, dance all these talents are bestowed by Divine grace. They are all God's gifts. A

What is Bhava, Raga and Tala
You must recognise the truth that in every aspect in India there are three components which are Bhav

What is real music?
What is the essence of ‘Sankeerthana’, oratorio? The essence of music is to earn love of god. Hi

Religions are many God is one: Analogy of a Veena
One need not criticise any religion. Swami tells a small example so that the students may understand

Collective singing has so much power to connect with God
All must sing in unison. Earlier people used to sing alone without anyone following in chorus. But t

God is Ganalola and Ganapriya: Analogy of Poets; Music melts the heart of God
One should make the Lord’s name as the basis of one’s life and sing His glory whole heartedly. G

One should not breed any differences in bhajans or in prayer
The bhajans were sung in a worldly perspective. Swami has observed it. The boys did not join the sin

Valmiki, Lava and Kusha's role in spreading Ramakatha
One day Sage Valmiki, who wrote Ramayana, was sitting in front of the Ramayana and was lost in deep

We need to follow the teachings of Vinayaka
Vinayaka has many teachings that help man liberate himself. Worship of Lord Ganesha has been followe

We need to understand the inner principle of Vinayaka
We have learnt how to worship Vinayaka, but we do not recognise His inner principle. This will make

Students should have noble qualities
Students! Boys and girls! The music, sports and games have been very successful because of your bubb

Swami on MS Subbulakshmi and Meera
How many things there are in our heart? What lot of strength we have!! Some people sing songs. You h

God is Ganapriya
God loves singing. Words come out through singing. Those words which come from poetry or prose will

Music is the reflection of Love
We should sing with love. We should speak with love. This is what the Gopikas said, 'In this barren

Feel the presence of God in everything
How can you understand that Self? All feelings are reflections of your thoughts. It is all your imag

Lead all your life with full of Love
First, love is most important. Love is God, live in love. Therefore, it is the love that we should d

Khanda khandantara
"This country has given birth to great people who have earned reputation in all the continents of th