Community bhajan is noblest of all
The word and the mind are futile in their attempts to understand the Divine. By singing together the

Music enraptures Divine
One cannot describe the sweetness of words and song. A small example to illustrate this: God is call

We need to repose faith in God: Story of Nana Saheb Chandorkar; A shirdi Baba Devotee
One must have implicit faith in God’s words and conduct oneself in accordance with it. Then alone

Swami on Shirdi devotees
Dada, Nana, Damu, Abdul Baba, Chandorkar, Mahalsapathi, Shyama were always with Baba. Abdul Baba, wh

How Hemadpant wrote Sri Shirdi Satcharitra
One day a learned man came to Baba with a desire to write His biography. His name was Hemad Pant and

Shirdi Baba's Life Story
There is another speciality associated with this day. In the year 1838, Shirdi Sai Baba was born in

Truth is all-pervasive, truth is one, truth is God
‘Sat viprah bahuda vadanti’- truth is only one and that truth is God. It is that truth that is o

Following Divine command unquestionably grants the eternal bliss: Story of Nana, the devotee of Shirdi Baba
When do you get supreme bliss? It is only when you are able to overcome all the three qualities. Wha

How Nana Saheb Chadorkar became the devotee of Baba
At one time Baba, in a sitting posture, was smiling which no one around could understand! Some peopl

Sankeethana and keerthana
“Samyakkeerthanamithihisamkeerthanam”, there is a vast difference between Keerthanam and Sankeer

Collective singing has so much power to connect with God
All must sing in unison. Earlier people used to sing alone without anyone following in chorus. But t

Life teachings of Guru Nanak
Guru nanak was the dear son of Tripta Devi and Srikaara. He gave great importance to devotion and de