Power of thought, word and deed; Dhruva story
The character of Dhruva in Maha Bhagavata is familiar to all of you. He is a five year old boy who d

To receive god's grace faith and steadfastness are must
Sincerity and faith are essential to deserve God’s grace. Faith forms the base at the bottom of t

Mind is pure and blemishless: With analogies
Students!! There are many things that are not known to the students and many things that need to

How to develop Shraddha?
“Shraddha” steadfastness has two aspects viz: ‘interest’ and ‘stability’. When one has b

The true meaning of man is faith
In Sanskrit and in Upanishads ‘Manava’ or human being means “the one who has faith”. Man me

The attributes of wisdom - Sraddha, Rutham, Sathya and Yoga
The first one is “Shraddha”. It has two meanings: ‘interest’ and ‘stability’. Shraddha

Difference between Intellect and Intelligence: Analogy of Vikramaditya
Embodiments of Love!! In this world, “intellect” is considered as synonymous with the word

Religions are many God is one: Analogy of a Veena
One need not criticise any religion. Swami tells a small example so that the students may understand

God is your true Guru
Embodiments of love!! How happy and peaceful the whole world would be if e

Every man is a Ardhanareeswara
Parvathi and Parameshwara are not separate entities. Parvathi is steadfastness and Eshwara stands fo

What is Brahma Tattwa and Maya Tattwa: With Analogies
Lord Rama at one time was pretending to learn the 'Brahma tatwa', the principle of divinity from the

Your connection must be heart to heart and love to love
You have behaved in an excellent way, with good habits and good conduct all these four days. At time

With sincerity we can achieve anything
Likewise, divinity is present everywhere and is all pervading. One is not pursuing to realise this d

Swami on the importance of mind, matter and awareness
In the humanity today this equality is the ‘integrated awareness’ or ‘pragnya’. This ‘inte