How am I to know, if you are Shiva or Madhava: Thyagaraja Story
Thyagaraja said, “O lord, how can I decide who you are?! How am I to know if you are Shiva or

Without patience, peace is not conferred
Never spread individual dissatisfaction to others. You must not subject others to your dissatisfacti

Lyrics are not given importance in music today: Humorous analogy of Thyagaraja Krithi
In a music concert the musician concentrates on the ‘raga’, the tune, ‘tala’, the beat and t

Give up ego; Bhakta Ramadas story
Never give scope for ego. Ramadas also said this. Ramadas faced difficulties, Thyagaraja faced probl

God is in you; Thyagaraja Pining
God is within me, He is with me, above me, below me, everywhere around me. He is everywhere. How can

Types of Sankeerthana
This sankeerthana is of four types. One is ‘guna’ sankeerthana, singing the qualities. Second is

God is the indweller - Eknath's story
Several great sages and personages of India have shown these ideals of service, ideal of worshipping

Develop positive thoughts
Clean, remove all the negative feelings. Develop, grow more and more positive thoughts. As along the

Swami on the devotion of Thyagaraja
Thyagaraja was a great devotee but he too had to face so many difficulties.Thyagaraja, who could bea

Discrimination power of man
Our life will not move forward if we don't have any knowledge of Sastras or knowledge of experience.