Why Swami established hospitals in rural areas and not in cities
There are people from villages who do not know about health and suffer when afflicted by illness. Th

Vegetables are produced with Drainage water
There are other things too that Swami would like to bring to one’s notice though one knows about t

What is adopting village and how to serve villages
Villages have been adopted. First and foremost one must understand the true meaning of adoption. The

Do service to society and do not get deluded by world
One must consider the service done in villages as the service done to God. One must understand the t

Baba's return to Shirdi; Chand bhai patel episode
After three years, He came back to Shirdi in the year 1858. There was a village by name Dhoop in the

Baba's early life in Shirdi
In the year 1854 Baba reached Shirdi. Mahalsapathi saw him as Baba reached Shirdi. When Bab

Shirdi Baba's Life Story
There is another speciality associated with this day. In the year 1838, Shirdi Sai Baba was born in

Role of students in moulding the world
Students!! Students see and hear about many things in this world. In spite of

Swami speaks on the greatness of our hospitals
The glory and greatness of this hospital may not be known today but will be widespread in the coming

Sai institutions provide everything at free of cost: With examples
A washer man had come from Gulbarga few days back. He said, “O Swami! You are truly God! We are cu

Guidelines on Service to Youth, State presidents and members of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations
There are different states. Service activities have been undertaken in many villages in the differen

People in Sathya Sai Organisations should get rid of ego and ostentatious behaviour
It is good that the service activities are being done in the villages but that is not satisfying. On

Don't do service for temporary satisfaction and never quantify it
However small an activity that one may undertake, one must not rest, satisfied with momentary satisf

Village service and pre-requisites needed for it
Serving in the villages is very important. Helping those who face dire inconveniences, who are subje

Significance of Panchanga
People of North Karnataka refer to their body as ‘prakruthi’ as in “Prakruthi is not good.”P

Messengers of Sathya Sai are rendering Yeoman service to humanity
The Messengers of Sathya Sai are doing excellent work. They are helping to build dwellings for the p

Make others happy and you will be happy
All religions and all castes are creations of man. As such, we are contributing to the divisions and

Sevadal should serve with broader vision
If you really want to justify your belonging to an organization like the Sathya Sai Organization, yo

First serve family then comes society
Youngsters! Is Bhagawan giving you trouble every day? Bhagawan is ready to trouble

How to do service in villages
With conviction and courage one must render service in society. With that spirit of courage one must

Swami on the role and conduct of Sevadal
If you deceive anyone, believe and know that you are deceiving your own chosen God. Every moment, yo

Transformation in villages is important
Many say, “Swami! We have been working in many villages and a lot of changes have come in those vi

Role of Sevadal in rural development
Further, in these organizations, some mistakes do creep in. Truly, if there are ten thousand members