Search Results for Community Singing
Community bhajan is noblest of all
The word and the mind are futile in their attempts to understand the Divine. By singing together the
Bhajan training is must for all the Samithis
Therefore, training in community singing must be developed on a large scale by women. Men too must p
Community bhajan is the best service
Amongst all services, the service of community singing will forever find a place in the hearts of th
Swami on bhajan singing and training
Members must start and develop ‘bhajan centres’ and train others to sing bhajans properly. Oneâ€
No other Sadhana is greater than Bhajan
So, put efforts in chanting the name of the Lord. People may say that when you go to Sai Baba, there
Life teachings of Guru Nanak
Guru nanak was the dear son of Tripta Devi and Srikaara. He gave great importance to devotion and de
This is an offering by Radio Sai Division (a unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust), Prasanthi Nilayam
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