Always contemplate on God: Practical examples
Be in constant communion with God in all the three states: waking, dream, and deep sleep (jagrat, sw

Yeruku Marupu
Without remembering or forgetfulness, Always in the three stages of wakefulness, d

Truth and Brahma Tattwa can never be changed: Brahmam Garu Explanation
The words of truth spoken might die but the truth remains eternal. Likewise the nature of Brahman is

Pradhan constructing Baba's Samadhi
Baba called Pradhan after a few days and asked him to build a small tank in a certain place. It was

Travel half an inch inside than to travel thousands of miles outside
Man today is unable to know his true nature, but he travels lakhs of miles to space. He does not tra

Where has man come from? With analogies
Where has man come from? What is his origin? No man is putting in efforts to enquire and to know the

Jagratha, Swapna, Sushupthi, Turiya
The causal force “kaaranamu” is beyond the gross and the subtle. The “kaarana” form is “Su

Talk Less and Understand the power of Silence
“Mitha bhasha ati haayi”-Talking less makes one happy. Noble people in the Sanyasa stage used to

Paul and Jesus
Initially, Paul was a fierce critic of Jesus. Jesus appeared in a dream to Paul, and smiled. He patt

We don't have control over what others think about us: Beautifully explained Chinnakatha
People have plants in their houses and tend to them by watering them, cleaning and providing suitabl
The world is an illusion and impermanent
The world which we see around us has been referred to as the Mithyaloka (deluding world). If we thin

Difference between waking and dream state
There is a considerable difference in the experiences that a man under goes in the wakeful state and

Tana Jeevithambulu
In this world, there are righteous people who would sacrifice their lives and in the present times,

Swami on waking, dreaming and deep states
During the day, while he is awake, man gets involved with his mind, body, intellect and other orga

Swami on the importance of life and Atma
Sacred minded students! Man generally desires to get something and in fact gets something differen

God is all pervasive and permanent
Narada explains the nine types of Bhakthi - listening, singing, thinking of God, serving His feet, p