Search Results for Boyhood

Path to liberation and realization of God
The one who lives in this world should first become a human being and understand what the nature o

Balasthavath Krida Saktaha
While one is in his boyhood, he has the desire to play and sing. When he grows into a young man he

How to understand Atma; By Shankara Disciples
There is some justification in our trying to first understand the aspects of the human body and the

Balyambu Nanduna
During his youth and boyhood, man mixes with several people and spends his time playing with them.

Wasting of human life
Thus, man is born, journeys through his youth, grows old, declines and dies. Should people think on

Stages in human life; with analogies
Truly, our body goes through various stages like boyhood, youth, adolescence and old age. Dependin
This is an offering by Radio Sai Division (a unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust), Prasanthi Nilayam
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