Balasthavath Krida Saktaha
Bangalore, Brindavan (Summer Course )
While one is in his boyhood, he has the desire to play and sing. When he grows into a young man he begins to think of love and women. When he grows older, his failing mind is full of worries and doubts. When is he to turn towards spiritual affairs and ask questions relating to Brahman?
Yeruku Marupu
00:00:22Without remembering or forgetfulness, Always in the three stages of wakefulness, dream and deep sleep, Always without any disturbance or interruption, The frequent merging of the individual soul with the Divine is Tarakam!!
Veda Vedantamulu Valle Vesiyunna
00:01:11One may be well versed in sacred texts, One may compose beautiful prose and poetry, Without purity of heart one will ruin oneself, Never forget these good words!!
Kalasi melasi tirugudaam
00:00:19Let us move together, Let us grow together, Let us develop the knowledge together, Let us live in friendship, without any differences!! It was the Vedas that first taught unity and oneness.
Pada Pada Mani Kinkarulu
00:00:17When the hoop of death is thrown by the soldiers of death God, When the relatives say it’s hopeless, put the body outside, When wife and children start crying, Is it possible to chant the name of the Lord?
Puttapaina Mardinchina Pamu Marnamonduna
00:00:25Will a snake be killed by mere rubbing of its hood?” Will mere punishing the body, stop the sensual desires? Will giving up hunger and thirst result in the knowledge of Atma? Without self realization can one know the philosophical truth?! First and foremost one must know oneself.
Aaku Paccha Pakshulanni
00:00:18Do all birds green in colour speak as parrots? Do all insects that crawl on the flowers be called as butterflies? Can a pig the size of an elephant be called an elephant?!! No! No!
Phalamu Leni Vrukshamu Vale
00:00:25A tree without a fruit, a fruit without the juice, an animal without intelligence - what is their use? If you die without realizing the objective of life, what is the use?
Pilachi aduga cheraku pettuna belambu
00:00:11If we call the sugarcane and ask to give us sugar, does it give us? No. Only when it is crushed well and processed, it does.
Vivida Sastra
00:01:48Various scriptures, Vedas, and Vedangas cannot facilitate ‘tear open’ the curtain masking the mind! Why because Human being is on one side of the curtain, and God is on the other side of it.
Chitta Suddhi Leni Shiva Poojaletiki
00:00:20“Chitta sudhdhi leni Shiva pooja yetiki?” What is the use of all the worship without a pure heart? “Atma sudhdhi leni aachaaramadiyela?” What is the use of all the rituals without purity? “Paatra sudhdhi leni paakamela?” Without clean vessels what is the use of all the delicious food?
Matamulanniyu veru margambu okkate
00:00:48Religions may be many but the path is one! Clothes may be different but yarn is same! Ornaments may be different but gold is one! The colours of cows may vary but milk is same! Creatures may be many but the in dweller is one! Flowers are many but worship is one! Lacking intelligence and being foolish, Man is bound and chained to carry a living!!
Pranayamam, Prathyaharam
00:00:55Control the breath and follow the eight fold spiritual practices, Turn the vision inward and attain steady concentration, The true experience of bliss is in that state of eternal union!!
Anithyam Asukham Lokam
00:01:44The world that we see is only a transient one. It is not a permanent one. This world is also full of things which are not quite good or quite important.
Jihve Rasgne Madhurapriyetwam
00:00:24My tongue! You are fond of sweet things and have the knowledge of discriminating taste; I tell you the highest truth, which is also the most beneficial.
Shastrambu Neppudu Sathyambuganenchu
00:00:50But today even the Brahmins who are supposed to study the scriptures are neglecting them. All sections of society, whichever caste or community they may belong to, should perform their duty with devotion and dedication. Instead of discharging his duty, man is wasting his life in mean pursuits. Consequently, he is unable to enjoy even a fraction of the unlimited peace and happiness he is endowed with.
Kaanididiyani cheppanga kalaru kani
00:00:36It is possible for one to say that a certain thing is not so and so but it is impossible for anyone to say Brahman is this! The Brahman, that is the eternal truth, the unchanging, the knowledge, is beyond the words.
Jagathini Jeevinchu Vadu
00:00:31The one who lives in this world should first become a human being and understand what the nature of this body is. One who goes on praising the bad deeds of others is a fool. The way of understanding one’s self is the path for liberation.
Indra Lokamaina, Chandra Lokamaina
00:01:00According to the words of poet Vemana, it does not matter even if you go to the world of Indra or to the land of the moon. You should try to get on the Nandi and see the Divine and understand the self. Ordinarily, the word Nandi means “bull”. But Vemana has used this word Nandi synonymously with Buddhi or intelligence. He means that if we make ourselves distant from our intellect and go to the moon, the happiness that we get will not be the right kind of happiness. The right kind of happiness is contained in our own mind and within our own thoughts.