Puttuta Oka Chintha
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (Sankranthi )
Birth is a worry, Life on earth is worry, Family is a cause for worry as is death Childhood is worrisome as is old age, Living is worrisome, so is fear of failure, All actions are cause of worry as are difficulties, Happiness is worrisome so is mystery!! How can one find happiness sitting under the Tamarind tree, "Chinta chettu", full of sorrow and worry?! The tree is sour to taste, is one of all worries and woes; how can one expect to be happy living in such a place?
Sadayam Hrudayam Yasya Bhashitam
00:00:48(He) whose heart is filled with compassion, speech is adorned with truth, whose constitution (form) is for the benefaction of others - what can kali (purusha) do to him?!
Grishtam Grishtam
00:04:35The sandal wood gives off its fragrance when rubbed against a stone. The sweetness of sugar cane is enjoyed by chewing it again and again. The gold shines brilliantly when it is put in fire to remove the impurities. In spite of all troubles and tribulations a noble man will not let go of the noble values and virtues.
Akkaraku Rani Chuttamu
00:00:22A relative who does not help in times of need, God who will not grant boons in spite of worship, Horse that will not ride in the battlefield, One needs to give up these immediately!!
Niddura Nundi Lechi
00:01:00Oblivious you are from dawn to dusk, To the Eternal and the Divine. And indifferent you remain to lessons learnt, Preoccupied with just filling your belly. O Man! Reflect deeply on how you spend your time And tell me what great happiness have you attained By so wasting your life?
Balyambu Nanduna
00:01:33During his youth and boyhood, man mixes with several people and spends his time playing with them. As he advances in age, he involves himself in satisfying his desires, runs after women and seeks love and affection. When he grows older, he wants to earn money and amass wealth so that he can use it for his pleasure. When he becomes quite aged, he does not think of the Divine but spends his time in many different ways and finds himself unable to give up the attachments which he has developed in his life. In this manner, man simply wastes his life, turns it into mud and becomes utterly useless in the end.