Maya Yandhu Putti
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (Gurupoornima )
Having been born and brought up in illusion, the ignorant man does not know illusion. Life is an illusion. Bondage is Maya, family life is illusion, death is illusion, then why fall in illusion for a life filled with falsehood and illusion?
Marma meriginatti, Mahaneeyulendaro
00:01:30Many great people who think that they know the secret, being unable to get round the illusion in this world, they have themselves disappeared from this world. Who are the great people who know the secret at all? Is there even one in this whole gathering who knows the secret?
Moham Hitva Hitam Chayath
00:00:54By giving up deluded attachment, one becomes dear to all. By giving up anger, one will never grieve. By giving up desire, one becomes wealthy. By giving up greed, one becomes happy.