Kashta Sukhamulu
Bangalore, Brindavan (Ugadi )
“Kashta sukhamulu rendunununu kalasi yundu,” pain and pleasure exist together. “Veeni vidadeeya yevvari vasamu kaadu!!” none can separate the two. “Sukhamu pratyekamuga yendu choodabomu!” there is no pleasure as such. “Kasthamu phalinchaneni sukhambatanchu” fulfilment of difficulty gives pleasure.
-Pleasure and Pain
Papa Bhayambu Poye
00:01:13There is no fear of sin, the wicked and cruel deeds are rampant on earth, devotion towards God has vanished, unspeakable incidents of cruelty and misdeeds happen every day—amidst all this chaos, O man!! Chanting the lord’s name, who is the only refuge of the noble, alone will deliver happiness and peace to the mankind.
Kashta Sukhamulu Rendunu Kalisi Yundu
00:00:21Pain and pleasure are intermixed. It is impossible for anybody to separate them. Pleasure doesn’t exist by itself. It is the fructification of difficulty which gives you pleasure.
Kashta Sukhamulu Rendunu
00:00:27Pain and pleasure are intermixed. It is impossible for anybody to separate them. Pleasure doesn’t exist by itself. It is the fructification of difficulty which gives you pleasure. This message of truth must be taught to the entire world, said Jesus.
Deena Subhamu Ledhu
00:00:51It is in this context that Prahlada proclaimed that there is no pleasure in this world. There is no pleasure in being born again and again. There is no pleasure in being born only to die and in dying only to be born again. Why should we be born if it is only to undergo the repeating cycle of births and deaths? One should be born in such a way that he becomes immortal and is never born again. One who, after finding the path, arrives at such truth is the wise person.
Puttuta Oka Chintha
00:00:37Birth is a worry, and so is existence itself; Family life is a worry, death is a worry, Childhood is a worry, old age is the same, Living is a worry, working is a worry, Pain causes worry, pleasure too causes worry, Worry, worry, all the time!