Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life
Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life

Analogy of a mike to explain matter and energy
There is a mike here. As Swami speaks in the mike, everyone is able to hear Him. There is the mike a

How and when does the vibration enter the baby's body: Swami reveals the secret
How can one say that the body is matter? The doctors too can dwell on the question as to how this bo

God bestows two-syllabled name for man's redemption
The earth prayed to Lord Vishnu, “Swami! I can bear any kind of sinners but I cannot bear a person

The greatness of India is forgotten by Indians today
Isn’t Savitri, who could win her dead husband’s life back a woman of Bharath?!

Gatha Jeevudagu Pathim
Isn’t Savitri, who could win her dead husband’s life back a woman of Bharath?!

Swami explaining the role and workings of Pancha Koshas
Man is made up of five different kosaas, sheaths viz—Annamaya, Praanamaya, manomaya, vignyaanamaya

Chanting Rama's name and respecting elders turned Ratnakara into Valmiki
Sage Valmiki is the one who composed Ramayana, the history of Rama during the lifetime of Rama. He m

When God commands HE gets the work done: Story from Ramayana
Rama asked Hanuman, “You must go in search of Sita. Go to Lanka and find out Sita and her whereabo

Adagakuve o manasa
“Oh mind! Do not ask. Do not ask. As you go on asking it keeps getting delayed. If you don’t a
Difficulties would make us grow in life: With explanations from various avatars life
Life is sacred, invaluable and is worth living. Man must perform actions in order to develop such fi

Swami on Nature or Prakruthi
Hence this body is born of nature. There are two types of natures- ‘Para prakruthi’ and ‘Apara

Worship nature to earn the grace of God
Nature must be worshipped to get rid of man’s ignorance. BY worshipping nature, one can earn the g

Goal of human life is to attain bliss
“Durlabham, maanusho janmaha!!” Human birth is rare to get. “Madaatma sarvabhootantaraatma!!

We need to understand the nature of Jagath
Transforming one’s love filled heart into one with filled with spirit of sacrifice; one must attai

Talk Less and Understand the power of Silence
“Mitha bhasha ati haayi”-Talking less makes one happy. Noble people in the Sanyasa stage used to

Swami on five sheaths of human body
The human body is encased in five sheaths: Annamaya kosha (the sheath of food or physical sheath),

Reading scriptures cannot give you wisdom
Sastras....Sastras...Sastras.. What are these Sastras? They may impart some general knowledge. It is

John becoming Moses
At one time a messenger, an angel, was going through a book. John saw that and asked "What is that?"

Maya Yandhu Putti
Having been born and brought up in illusion, the ignorant man does not know illusion. Life is an ill

Maya or illusion never harms you
In this knowlege of truth,the ‘vaayuvu’ the air is also a truth. It is present everywhere but ne

Sathyam, Jnanam Anantham Brahma: With Analogy
Hence “sarvam gnyaanamayam”, everything is wisdom; the whole world, the individual, the society

What is Brahma Tattwa and Maya Tattwa: With Analogies
Lord Rama at one time was pretending to learn the 'Brahma tatwa', the principle of divinity from the

Good company fosters good thoughts
Ratnakara, who was a way layer and a thief, became Sage Valmiki the author of the epic Ramayana on a

World is the true text book for man
Man reads so many books like the Gita, the Koran, the Bible, and the Ramayana etc. All these texts c

Sadhana is important for Sevadal; Analogies
In our organisations, whether one preaches it or not, seva and “Sadhana” or self practice should

How to do Jyothi meditation
Look at that flame with your eyes wide open. Now close your eyes and imagine that the flame that you

Difference between goodness and greatness; Story of Rama and Ravana
“Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi”- the knower of the Brahman becomes the Brahman. When one entertai

Buddha's life teachings
Thereafter the religion of Buddha or Buddhism came into existence. Buddha was the son of Mayadevi an

Pranayama and Prathyahara
Embodiments of the divine atma! Young boys and girls!! The path of spirituality can be co

Prema roopambu, Brahmambu premamayamu
God is love, love is God. It is only the connection, love to love. So strengthen the love, you'll re

Youth should develop human values and be in good company; With an analogy
You should acquire the qualities of truth, prema and forbearance, as also the quality of sacrifice

Swami on Pancha Koshas with analogies
Without food, the body cannot live. If there is no body, we cannot really picture the mind. If the

Marma meriginatti, Mahaneeyulendaro
Many great people who think that they know the secret, being unable to get round the illusion in thi

Chanting and service go hand in hand
It is useless if one just chants Lord’s name without serving others. Vibhishana and Hanuman became

Valmiki, Lava and Kusha's role in spreading Ramakatha
One day Sage Valmiki, who wrote Ramayana, was sitting in front of the Ramayana and was lost in deep

Swami on the importance of character; Analogy from Ramayana
One should not talk too much. Naturally, one loses one’s character by talking too much. People, ge

Faith in God is the basis for man's bliss
Every man aspires for bliss. In order to attain everlasting bliss, he studies sacred texts, listens

Ideal brotherhood, Story from Ramayana
A small example. At one time Rama, Lakshmana and Bharata were playing with a ball. After playing for

Reverence to Parents linked to Indian culture
All the boys and girls who belong to balvikas should in the very first instance learn to give regard

Swami teachings to balvikas teachers
Modern-day teachers, 90 out of 100 have no spiritual knowledge. They should recognize the truth that

Be courageous, develop kshama and move forward in life: Analogy from Ramayana
Vibhishana provides the classic example. It was through kshama that he acquired the courage to defy

Prema rupamu brahmambu premamayamu
Love being His Form, He is present everywhere as Love; Become bonded to this Love And strengthen

One should strive to be good and not great
The mother of today thinks that her children should become very great people. Some mothers say that

Swami on the Sacred texts of India
When one wants to fell a tree or destroy a tree, he can do so only by cutting the roots. By working