Always contemplate on God: Practical examples
Be in constant communion with God in all the three states: waking, dream, and deep sleep (jagrat, sw

Love and show your gratitude to parents: Message to Students
Embodiments of love! Students!! Develop love more and more. Love is not something that can
We need to show gratitude towards society
Students must develop the spirit of unity along with the formal education. One is born in the societ

You need to show gratitude for everything you receive
One has experienced so much. Having experienced so much how is one showing the gratitude? God does n

Adhika Bhashinchu
Today there is more courage in talking excessively, Being action oriented is dwindling

What is social service according to Bhagawan
Every human being must possess the quality of gratitude. Having being the beneficiaries one must sho

Are youth having any gratitude towards society
Man is born in society, grows in society, earns name and fame in society and learns many skills in t

Paapa bheethi, Daiva preethi, Sangha neethi
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Youth should render selfless service to society
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

My aim is to provide welfare to humanity
Embodiments of love! You say this is the 75th birthday of this body. Bhagawan is not bothered about

One needs to have gratitude towards society
One learns all the knowledge from the society; the intelligence and specialisation is also learned f

What is Vittamu and how it is earned
In Bharat, the word ‘vittamu’ is used. What is the meaning of this word? Many think it means the

Man needs to have the sense of gratitude
The main quality gifted to man by God is “gratitude”. In the ancient culture of Bharath, it was

We need to follow the teachings of Vinayaka
Vinayaka has many teachings that help man liberate himself. Worship of Lord Ganesha has been followe

Who is Vigneshwara
Modern man is weak. In modern times, people commit sins, but they neither realise their mistakes nor

Students should develop Gratitude
Human nature in which there is no gratitude will turn into an animal nature. So, boys and girls! In

Balvikas children must respect parents
According to our Indian culture, we refer to mother as our God, we refer to father as our God, mothe