Conscience, Conscious and Consciousness
One should not follow one’s body or mind as ‘mind is like a mad monkey’ and ‘body is like a

Messengers of Sathya Sai are rendering Yeoman service to humanity
The Messengers of Sathya Sai are doing excellent work. They are helping to build dwellings for the p

Without God, we are Zero
Embodiments of Love! All are messengers of God, all are embodiments of love. There is no man without
Become messengers of God
There are three paths. "I'm the messenger of God" (is the first one). I should be the messenger, I s

Christmas at Prasanthi Nilayam is Special
Embodiments of Love! Every year, we celebrate Christmas. You are from different countries. A true Ch

John becoming Moses
At one time a messenger, an angel, was going through a book. John saw that and asked "What is that?"

Experience Divine love
Poor feeding and distribution of clothes are also necessary, but they are not that important. They a

State of messengers today
What is the message passed on by the messengers today? Yes, there are some messengers who are passin

Jesus is a true messenger of God
The one who propagates the worldly, fleeting, ephemeral matters, sensual matters, he cannot be calle

Who is a true messenger of God
Embodiments of Love! everyone knows that human life is highly valuable, sacred and noble. Students f

Everyman is a messenger of God
Every man is a messenger. If we question ourselves, why are we born? Not merely to eat, drink and sl

Have the feeling "Swami belongs to you"
Bhagawan has said this many times. When sarees were distributed to the messengers, they said, "Thank

Pada pada manuchu kinkarulu
When the messengers of death are at your doorstep, When your relatives have given up hope And are

Develop kshama from a young age; With analogies
Students! The stage of life you presently are in is most important. This is when you can easily over

Follow the culture and tradition of Bharath
You young people should clean your minds, develop pure ideas, and take this opportunity to see what