Question 1 – Swami, we know that we are truth and that truth is everywhere. So we must be everywhere right?…..
Swami seemed unable to follow the question, and hence the boy tried to explain (!) "Swami, I'm everywhere but I don't realize it…!"
Swami: You are not everywhere, you are right now here! (everyone laughs)…If you are in path of Truth then you will know you are the Truth…..(Swami conveyed to the boy that if he believes he is the Eternal Atma, then he is everywhere and if he restricts himself to the body then he is now here!)
Question 2: Swami, we don't have time available for spiritual activities and service as we are bogged by daily responsibilities. What shall we do (there were tears in his eyes out of helplessness)?
Swami: Don't feel bad about it; do as much as you can in the little time available. Do little service but offer it to the Lord. If you can't do even that, then just do your job or activity as a service to the Lord; that'll make Him happy.
Question 3: (In Kannada) Swami as we (boys) plan to do activities and projects in larger scale, how do we go about doing the same. Do we need to form organized groups and start off?
Swami: (In Kannada) Yes, form proper groups and go about it in a systematic way. I've already told this (Swami has mentioned the same in His discourses to management students).
Question 4: (one student who was a Teacher) Swami, we all have only one prayer in our hearts, you should walk like you used to earlier.
Swami: (without a pause) Yes, I will! I used to walk earlier properly, only recently I had a fall and doctors told me not to walk and take rest. I'm just abiding by their words. I have organized a Yagnam in Puttaparthi (the Athi Rudra Yagnam) and one in Chennai (The Athi Rudra Yagnam in Jan 2007). I'm managing quite a lot like this too, but I'll surely walk (Swami lifted both His legs and played them in the air as He spoke).
Question 5: Swami, what should we do to become closer to Swami?
Swami: (without any delay) Swami should (will) take you closer! (Swami conveyed it is His grace that matters not any amount of penance one does and added that…) If you want to become closer, keep Swami in your heart. Then you need not come to Swami and He will come closer to you.
Question 6: Swami, how do we get Atmanandam (perennial bliss)?
Swami: You should carry less luggage. Less luggage is more comfort, reduce your desires and put a ceiling on it.
Question 7: Swami, how do we take care of our kids in countries where there are not even Indian families, let alone Sai centers?
Swami: Where are you right now?
Boy: I've returned to India ….
Swami: I'm very happy. Congratulations! (He became emotional…) America is not good at the moment, all our people should return to native land. One lakh in USA is equal to 10,000 in India.
Question 8: Swami, how do we achieve total surrender?
Swami: Bangaru! Surrender is not so easy; so many after they surrender would still carry the burden of doubt in their minds. So just follow how much you can and stop doubting. |