- Feedback from our readers on the January 2009 issue
Feedback on the cover story: A Medical Innovation With A Marvellous Mission
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Dear Sir,
Part 1 is superb to say the least. I am very eager to read part 2. Oh! What a fantastic idea to evolve a Super Speciality Hospital with absolutely no investment at all. Only Sai’s grace can do this, as rightly told by Dr. Mohan Rao. This is bound to catch on throughout Tamil Nadu, nay, entire India and people will marvel at SAI Sankalpa!
Dallas, USA.
Dear Brother,
After reading the article, tears came to my eyes and I found myself crying. I have always believed that service to humankind without any reservation is really our salvation. My heartfelt prayers that all humankind be benefited by Swami’s presence on Earth.
Thank you very much.
Anil Singh, Hyderabad
Sai Ram,
Such stories bring abstract concepts to palpable reality. They are gripping, moving and most certainly inspiring.
With thanks and best regards,
Sai Chidambaram, Assoc. Prof. of Biology, Canisius College,
Buffalo, USA
Feedback on: Spiritual Questions And Answers - Part 3
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Dear Staff of H2H,
I find this series of lessons very informative and useful. They indeed provide some answers to perennial questions surrounding the existence of human life, and its intimate relationship to spirituality. Please continue publishing the subsequent chapters. Congratulations to the H2H team.
Sincere wishes for your continued success,
Dear H2H,
I have been pondering over the issue of escape from the recurring cycle of birth and death. I would like to express appreciation and thanks to Professor Venkataraman for his helpful and thought-provoking talks and to H2H for publishing them and to Radio Sai for making them available as audio downloads.
It seems to me that the need for not to be reborn is the result rather than the goal. To have the opportunity for human birth is a great privilege, as Swami has said. Surely the goal of human birth is to come to the conscious knowledge that I am the Atma so, after as many births as it takes me to come to this, I will have no need to go back to the school of life to learn more lessons. That is, no need for rebirth!
Sai Ram,
Sid Wilcox
Feedback on: In Quest of Infinity – Part 22
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Sai Ram ,
The article in which Prof Venkataraman wrote about Quantum Mechanics is really superb. It would be wonderful if he wrote more and more articles on related topics.
With regards,
Feedback on: A Dreamy New Beginning in New Zealand
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Sai Ram,
First of all I would like to extend my hearty thanks to all the Sai Devotees for extending their helping hands to the newly arrived Bhutanese people in New Zealand. Secondly, I would like to thank the author, for the article, which touched hundreds of loving hearts in the USA. I hope to read other such beautiful articles in the days ahead too.
Om Sai Ram,
Bhagirath Khatiwada,
Concord, NH, USA.
Sai Ram,
A very interesting and inspiring story on the Bhutanese refugees. The selfless service rendered by Sai Devotees is appreciable. By reading this, we can imagine the feeling among Bhutanese refugees and Sai Devotees as they must have felt the true love of Swami. Both groups were blessed to come together in this seva initiative with the grace of Swami.
Rajni Gohil
Feedback on: The Miracle of a Lifetime
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Sai Ram Dear Radio Sai Team,
I went through Mr. Sohni's story today. It is so very inspiring. Thank you all very much. It is thanks to your efforts that we get to read about our Bhagvan's miracles. Please send more such inspiring episodes.
Thank you very much
Chennai, India.
Feedback on: The Expansion of Love...
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Dear Sai Brothers and Sisters,
I very much enjoyed the articles written by Bob Bozzani in both December and January H2H. I have known Bob since the 1970’s and can say that I have witnessed the heart opening in him that he talks about since being called to Swami! Having had an opportunity to observe devotees over these last 35+ years here in the States, I truly see the inner transformation that Swami has made in so many of us.
Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing. I very much enjoy each months H2H publication.
Many Blessings,
Mrs. Leslie Bouché,
Ojai, California, USA
Feedback on: Divya Premaashrayam
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My Humble Salutations to the H2H Team,
The play is very inspirational. I hope to get the video and present it at our Sai Centre to encourage the participants to get involved in more service activities.
Thank you for all the hard work.
Ranjani Silva, Mill Park Sai Centre,
Melbourne, Australia
Dear SGH Team,
The story is very nice, because I have seen a reflection of my character. The 2nd wolf dominates me. It’s time I give the reins to the 1st wolf.
Thank you for the inspiring narration.
Feedback on the Quizzes
I would just to add that I thoroughly enjoyed your quiz. I am currently preparing for a study circle/presentation on service and it helped greatly.
It was prodding and revealing at the same time. Keep up the good work.
Jagdesh Lakhan ,
Trinidad and Tobago
Feedback onRadio Sai’s: Fleeting Moments Lasting Memories series
Sai Ram,
I just wanted to say congrats on a job well done. I am truly grateful to all of you for bringing Swami closer to us. Keep up the good job! I particularly enjoy Fleeting Moments Lasting Memories - by the students of Swami. Just to hear them speak about Swami and their experiences makes me feel so good and inspired every day. Also interviews that were conducted truly enlighten us as listeners who are not able to be there in person at Prashanthi all the time. Thank you so much for bringing Swami to me.
Sai Ram,
Mrs. Jeyapalan,
Ontario Canada
I live in Toronto and I just had the good opportunity to hear the talk with Sri. Partheesh Kumar Dubey on Radio Sai’s Fleeting Moments Lasting Memories. When he mentioned about the six pound train ticket, another miracle of Swami, I felt I should share my experience of one such Divine Intervention of Swami in 2006 on our return journey from Toronto to Mysore.
Both my husband and I are senior citizens’ in our 70s and the journey to Toronto was very difficult as we had to move our heavy luggage from the domestic to international airport at Delhi. My husband has had two heart surgeries and I have back problem.
Hence on the return journey I was doing namajapa and fervently praying for some kind of a help to go through this ordeal.
When we landed in the Indira Gandhi airport and started walking from the aircraft (we travelled by economy class, mind you) to the gate we saw a Notice Board with our names. The message was to contact the ground staff of the airlines!
We did so and we had someone carry our bags and leave them in the domestic airport in the lounge close to the gate where the jet Airways bus would pick us up for the boarding! We were happy that our son has taken so much pain to arrange for this assistance.
But we learned later that neither our son nor daughter did anything. It was Swami’s miracle! Partheesh was His student and close to Him. We are just devotees and never had any Interview with Swami. Swami’s compassion is boundless.
Mrs. Padma Shetty and Dr Sundar Shetty,
Ontario, Canada
Feedback on Radio Sai
Sairam Brothers @Radio Sai,
I thank you all for bringing so many wonderful programmes on Radio Sai. I listen to "Radio Sai-Ameristream" daily. From talks by Dr. Venkataraman, conversations, Q-A, Prashanti Bhajans to "Indelible Encounters With Love". All these programmes provide not only the message of Divine love of Bhagavan Baba, but His teachings as well and thereby inspire all of us to become truly His messengers by our refined actions, practising His message of Love All and Serve all.
Today I was very happy to listen the experience of Bhagavan Baba's grace to "Bill" who gave away his money and wealth to those who needed it in U.S. without any publicity for himself. Bill had only read about Bhagawan Baba and not visited Swami personally and yet he followed Swami's teachings. No wonder Swami knew him - as the indweller of all - and blessed Bill through his critical illness giving him a peaceful and healthy exit. It is very heart-stirring story.
"The Miracle of a Lifetime" was another very powerful story of reform. From a corrupt Sales tax official to a high ranking and sincere Sai worker in Indore, Mr. Sohni not only transformed himself but transformed others around him by becoming an honest employee in an ethically unhealthy workplace. Such a divine opportunity comes to us once in a lifetime or once in several births. Those who pray and surrender to Him are the fortunate ones.
Thank you all for bringing such great inspiring and faith enriching episodes from the devotees of Bhagavan Baba.
Aum Sai Ram,
Gopal Mehta,
Toronto, Canada
Feedback on Radio Sai’s: Indelible Encounters with Eternal Love series
I would like to compliment you on the new series, Indelible Encounters with Eternal Love. The music is very beautiful and as always, these stories of devotion increase the heart’s longing for Our Beloved.
I would think, that just in the United States alone, at all the conferences in the different regions, one could get a wealth of such tales to share.
I listen to Sai Radio every night for a few hours. If I have missed listening I find myself yearning for my quiet time alone to hear these sacred stories of our Most Beloved Lord and Dearest Friend.
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do to bring such a beautiful and full stream of Love to our parched ears and hearts.
With Sai Love,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Dear Sir,
I have listened to Indelible Encounters with Eternal Love. Like your other radio programmes, this too is so touching and exemplifies Swami's abundant love for the mankind.
Thank you for the wonderful Sai Seva you are doing with Swami's blessings and no doubt these broadcasts will bring about a transformation in individuals to grow spiritually.
Safat, Kuwait
Feedback on: the Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshana Shanthi Mahotsavam coverage
Dear Heart2Heart,
My husband and I, Sai devotees of nearly 28 years, attended the Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshana Shanthi Mahotsavam events in November. As we read the email invitation of the event we didn't feel so much a "desire" to go because it is a long arduous trip, but instead felt a "calling" to go -- as if we had to be there.
The third and final day of Sahasra ... is one of supremacy in memory. Seeing Baba arrive in His yellow gown in the gold chariot was more than words can express. Pictures cannot grasp the magnificence of it.
On that third day of Sahasra I was standing in the main grassy aisle of the women's side. I was about 30-40 feet from the aisle Swami when came in. Swami stopped in His Chariot right inside the entrance. As I stood there I felt Baba look right at me, and I said, "I'm here, Baba. I'm here." And I had a beautiful inner dialogue with the Lord. At that point I started crying, and cried for hours after. Even now, weeks later as I write this tears well up again. The moments were so incredibly special.
It has taken me a few weeks to write you to express my gratitude. Though we hadn't a clue what the chants were about, nor the purpose and meaning of the rituals something permeated our beings. Then to receive the Heart2Heart email with all the photos and your dialogue and descriptions of the events of the three days was more than perfect.
As I read your descriptions of the third day I felt as if someone had reached into my heart and spoke in exact words and detail everything I had been feeling. I truly cannot express how moved I was by your words. In fact in this moment I still cannot find expression to speak of how much I was moved, and how "accurate" it is what you wrote. When the experience is so deep, so profound, words become far too limited, yet your vision and expression of it said it all. It is perfect.
So, yes ... thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting to paper those things, those memories for which I could not find words to express.
I copied your email and it is now a part of my "treasury of gold" for remembrance of Sahasra Poorna Chandra Darshana Shanthi Mahotsavam.
Om Jai Sai Ram,
William and Judith Jung,
Boise, Idaho, USA
General Feedback
Sai Ram, dear Heart2Heart staff,
Thank you very much for the journal which I am very happy to read. I like each and every section very much and I hope you will continue this great seva.
The journal makes me feel that I'm a little bit closer to Prashanti Nilayam and it helps me to get wiser and to remember and live the teachings of our beloved Swami. I only hope that the journal will always be available. I like it as it is at present.
Sai Ram and all the best,
Abildgaard, Denmark
Feedback on: Sai Inspires, the inspirational daily e-mail service
Sai Ram to you all,
I have just completed the quiz and got 25 out of 30 points. I think it is a brilliant quiz and it really captures the lessons and values that Baba is teaching us in the wonderful discourses that he lovingly gives us.
I also really enjoy reading the "Sai Inspires bulletins from Prashanti Nilayam" everyday. The messages and thoughts for the day from Baba really inspire, uplift and motivate us to become better people and also strongly guide us on the correct spiritual path. What I really like is how simply Baba explains the lessons contained in the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas and the Upanishads and relates it to our daily lives.
There were many a time when I was feeling troubled and depressed and after reading the current "Sathya Sai Inspires” bulletin I find all the answers that I was looking for. All of the discourses are so well written and presented that whilst reading them one actually feels that one is at Prashanti in Baba's Divine presence.
I congratulate all of you on the superb job that you are doing in spreading Baba's divine message to the world. Keep up the good work!
Sai Ram,
Vasi Pather, Commissions Administrator,
Durban, South Africa