What is Bhava Sankeerthana
Many are deluded who follow the ‘bhava sankeerthana’ or singing in full realisation of the signi

Vasuki Shayana Srinivasa Chidvilasa
Vasuki sayana srinivasa chidvilasa, Bhava pasamula trunchi manollasa mivvara, Vasu

Subramanyam Subramanyam
Subramanyam Subramanyam Shanmukha Natha Subramanyam Subramanyam Subramanyam Sai Natha Subramanyam

Love and show your gratitude to parents: Message to Students
Embodiments of love! Students!! Develop love more and more. Love is not something that can

India always prayed for the welfare of all
From time immemorial the culture of Bharath by its spiritual strength has been bringing peace and se

Prema muditha manase kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa ka

When Swami can cure why hospitals: Beautiful examples
Hence in order to protect and safeguard health, hospitals have been established here and there. Some

Chanting Rama's name and respecting elders turned Ratnakara into Valmiki
Sage Valmiki is the one who composed Ramayana, the history of Rama during the lifetime of Rama. He m

Manasulo Nunna Bhavambhu
Manasulonunna bhavambu manchidaina, Kalagi teerunu phalasiddi karyamandu Manasulonunna bhavam

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema Muditha Manase Kaho (Rama Rama Ram) X 3 Sri Rama Rama Ram; Paapa katey dukha mitey lekey rama

Lyrics are not given importance in music today: Humorous analogy of Thyagaraja Krithi
In a music concert the musician concentrates on the ‘raga’, the tune, ‘tala’, the beat and t

People who take to the Northward Path (Uttarayanamu))
“The aspirant travelling towards the North, with ‘brahma bhaavam’, thoughts of Brahman, ‘bra

Prema Muditha Manase
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa ka

Bhagawan wishes all of us to be happy
“Lokasamastha sukhino bhavanthu!”- Let everybody in the world be happy and peaceful. That is Swa

The man behind Ayurveda
In Allopathy too there are some germs that degenerate for some time and later on increase in numbers

Subramanyam, Subramanyam
Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam Shanmukhânâthâ Subrahmanyam Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Subrahmanyam Hara

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema Muditha Manase Kaho (Rama Rama Ram) X 3 Sri Rama Rama Ram; Paapa kate dukhmite leke Rama naam;

Demonstration of Raga, Bhava, Tala: Why should we clap with hands: Swami on different facets of singing
Embodiments of Love!! People sing bhajans while keeping the beat with

Prema muditha manase kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa ka

Don't get attached to the body: Swami's example
People know that Swami leads by example. This is Swami’s body. But Swami is the not the body, Swam

Parents should be role model to children
One must not indulge in worrying about others the moment one gets up from sleep.

We should always be happy and be united: New Year Message
Embodiments of Love!! Love all! One must not give scope to even an iota of

You need to show gratitude for everything you receive
One has experienced so much. Having experienced so much how is one showing the gratitude? God does n

How a student should conduct himself: Powerful message
This age is very sacred; is one of divinity. This is the age that will bear sweet fruits. One must n

You are God. Know it
Right from birth we learn everything. Why do we learn? Today in the world neither a seeker nor an as

What is Bhava, Raga and Tala
You must recognise the truth that in every aspect in India there are three components which are Bhav

Types of Sankeerthana
This sankeerthana is of four types. One is ‘guna’ sankeerthana, singing the qualities. Second is

What is Brahma Tattwa and Maya Tattwa: With Analogies
Lord Rama at one time was pretending to learn the 'Brahma tatwa', the principle of divinity from the

As is the vision, so is the world
Embodiments of the Divine atma!! When one’s vision is filled with love one can see the B

Swami on bhajan singing and training
Members must start and develop ‘bhajan centres’ and train others to sing bhajans properly. One

Story of Muthu Swami iyyer, the greatest lawyer of India
There lived two brothers in a remote village in the then state of Madras. The elder brother was a vi

The significance of Jyothi meditation
On the day of Diwali, a row of lamps or cressets are kept and with one flame all the other flames ar

Difference between goodness and greatness; Story of Rama and Ravana
“Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi”- the knower of the Brahman becomes the Brahman. When one entertai

Yad bhavam tad bhavathi
In Vedantic parlance it is quoted as “As is the thought, so is the manifestation! (Yad bahavam tat

Mind is the cause for use or misuse
Every material in this world should be properly used. There is this knife here. One can use the knif

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa ka

Two common diseases of man are money and position
At all times and everywhere people expect from the society. Because of the effect of Kali Yuga, two

Hey Shiva Shankara Namami Shankara
He Shiva Shankara Namami Shankara Shiva Shankara Shambo Hey Girijapathi Bhavani Shankara Shiva Sha

Hey shiva shankara namami
Hey Shiva Shankara Namami Shankara, Shiva Shankara Shambho; Hey Girijapathi Bhavani Shankara; Bhav

We attain Brahma Tattwa through chanting of Gayathri Mantra
‘Brahmavid brahmaiva bhavathi’ meaning to know the Brahman, is to know oneself. One attains the

How diseases are cured in Swami's hospital
Every doctor now has a doubt as to how all the diseases are cured in our hospital. How is it happeni

Giveup narrow mind from this Ugadi
Embodiments of Love! WE have been experiencing the bliss of celebrating Ugadi (Telugu New Year) fo

Cultivate Love and Reverence
Sweet and tender hearted boys and girls! You should recognize that in our culture and in our traditi

Faith can make you achieve anything
Earnestness and faith are very important - the divine forms of Bhavani and Shankara. Therefore, let
Body is not permanent
Whatever endeavours you perform, nothing can happen without the grace of Bhavani and Shankara. Ever

Who are Bhavani and Shankara
Bhavani Shankara is the name by which the deities are called. Bhavani means earnestness. Shankara me