Parents should be role model to children
Bangalore, Brindavan (Ugadi )
One must not indulge in worrying about others the moment one gets up from sleep. Niduranundi lechi mari nuddura poyedidaaka, Pottakai haddulupaddu leka, Vyayamandacheyu jeevitambu Nee vidyalu dhaaraposi, Aravinda dalaakshuni vismarinchi, Neeve pedda sukhamu ponditivi? Preetiga telpumu maanava!! From dawn to dusk, O man! Spending life without any account Investing your learning and skills, For the sake of filling the stomach Forgetting the Lotus eyed Lord! O Man! Tell me truly, What great bliss are you gaining!! What does man do every day? Man awakes with anger, fighting with others. Today even the parents are in the same situation. By the time the child awakes, the parents are already fighting which then develops into wrestling. “Yad bhavam tad bhavathi” as is the thought so is the manifestation. The thoughts fostered by the parents are reflected in the children. Hence first and foremost the parents must awake peacefully from sleep, talk smilingly for then the child too will reflect it and speak smilingly. For the child to imbibe good education, parents must first practise it. One must not give scope to hatred under any circumstances. Some difficulties, miseries may come but one must not mind them. Swami has said in the beginning, “Aham yetad naa” I am not this body. “Aham atmano”, I am the atma. “Yetad naa”, I am not this body” based on this, the troubles and tribulations of the body do not belong to the Atma, soul. That is how one must get over. People know that Swami leads by example. This is Swami’s body. But Swami is the not the body, Swami is Atma. Hence Swami is not bothered by any trouble of the body. So many troubles do come unto to the body, one must not be mindful of them.
Love and show your gratitude to parents: Message to Students
00:01:32Embodiments of love! Students!! Develop love more and more. Love is not something that can be got, for it is verily in oneself. One needs to concentrate on the innate love. One must not concentrate on unnecessary matters and study well to get good marks. Make parents happy and give them peace for “Maatru devo bhava, pitru devo bhava”, mother is God, and father is God. The blood, the food and the knowledge are all the gifts of one’s parents. Therefore one must be first and foremost, grateful to one’s parents and make them happy and satisfied. Then God will be happy. “Maatru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava”, mother is God, and father is God. All are divine. But one must start from one’s parents then extend it to the entire universe. That leads to true bliss. Therefore by sanctifying their time in prayers and utilising their time properly, students must lead ideal lives.
Love parents, Guru and God within you
00:01:59You are the father, the mother, friend relation. Love your father, Love your mother. Love your teacher. Respect them. Serve them. But they are equal to God but not God. I consider all of them as God. Mother is God. Having given birth she takes care of you. Love her. Where does she live? Mother resides in your home. She is God for that family. Father is God. Where does he stay. He also stays in the house. He is also deity of the family. Where does the teacher stay. He stays in an ashram. You should also love and respect him. Where does God live? Not in your house or ashram, he lives in the altar of your heart. God dwells in the altar of the heart. Therefore, love God, who is present in you in your heart. All the rest are momentary and passing.
Father would be proud when the son gets good name
00:01:16The actual joy does not lie in getting a son. A father may distribute sweets on birth of a son. But this does not give happiness to God. A father’s true joy isn’t in begetting a son, but in seeing his son being respected by the society. When you get a good name in the society, your father will be very happy. So the true happiness of the father is not at the birth of the son but when the son earns a good name. Get a good name. Do good deeds. Be good. Lead a good life. This is what Swami aspires for you.
Revere your Mother and Love her
00:02:00Be full of love. There is nothing beyond love. In our heart, we should be full of love. Even a belching, our vision, in everything there will be love, everything will transform itself into love. If you got hatred inside and if you ask for something with a polite veneer, it cannot happen at all. Embodiments of love!!! We have got to remember from moment to moment, the principle of the mother's love. Under any circumstances we must make the mother happy. Without a mother being happy, I will not be happy. With your efforts, if you make your mother happy, I am also happy. If you fill your hearts with love, then I and you are one. You have got to go to the state of oneness. If you think I am separate, you are separate, there is a difference between us. We should not have this feeling. There should be an intimate relationship. There should always be the bond of 'you and I are one'. We might have two bodies, but the love principle should bind us. Therefore, we have got to think of the mother's love. You have got to revere your mother and love her; the love between both of you is one. We have got to love everybody.
Importance of Mothers words
00:01:57Mother's words are very sweet! She may beat you or scold you when she is angry but she can never have hatred on her son. There can be a wicked son but there can never be a wicked mother. This 19th November has been started as Mother's day because everybody should recognize the love of the mother and the way she feels for her child at all times. Beyond everything we should revere the mother. First one is the mother, in the sequence Mother -Father - Guru - God. Today the young children do not respect their mothers. Those who think they have studied much think that the mother doesn't know anything. She is not weak as the saying goes - she has tremendous strength within her. True faith and the strength that is within, comes right from the mother's womb. So we should not treat the mother lightly. On the other hand, even the mothers should not compel the children. With her love, administering with a lot of love, she should start shaping the child's mind.
Balvikas children must respect parents
00:04:13According to our Indian culture, we refer to mother as our God, we refer to father as our God, mother and father, the parents are the manifestations of divinity to us in a visible form. Our parents have given us this body, given us the food by which the body could grow. Our parents have handed us the ideals to live with. For the food they have given us, for the ideals they have given us, for the birth which they have given us, we have to be grateful to them and show our gratitude. Our body, our blood, everything in this human body, all the aspects and all capacities are things which have been given as gift by our parents. If you are unable to satisfy your parents who have handed to you this body, how will you be able to do good to this country, how will you be able to rectify this society, how will you be able to look after the security of your own country. Think about this. When we are not in the position to make our father and mother who are one in the same house happy, how can we handle the problems of this vast country, how can we spread happiness to people who are all over this world? The boys and girls who belong to Balvikas should begin in the very first instance, to look to their homes, to respect their parents, to give due respect to their brothers and sisters. This should be the first step. The second step which you should take is to give respect to your neighbours, then show respect to your guests. Gradually you should be able to spread your acquaintance and your ability to give respect and consideration to the rest of the village. From the village move on and take into your fold the whole district, finally the country as a whole.
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