As is your feeling so is your vision
God is never selfish. He is selfless. How can selfish people to know the selfless? One’s own thoug

God's love alone is selfless: With analogies
When one enquires about what is it that is selfless in this world, one finds that God alone is selfl

Everything depends on your mind; Purify it
For good and bad, our behavior is the main cause. Nothing wrong in education, nothing wrong with the

Purpose of worship is to have faith and love
To shed off the bad qualities, one should develop selfless love. That is Devotion. Different modes o

Everything can be achieved through pure love
Human being comes from God but forgets his source. Clouds originate from sun but they cover the sun.

Love of God is absolutely selfless
Embodiments of Love! The goal of Love is sacrifice. Love does not aspire anything. Love does not bla

Learnt to find peace from pieces
Every object in this world causes fear; is ever changing, is fleeting and temporary. Man must attain

Man is closest to the Divine
It is also stated that man is extremely close to God, the reason being that God is the only one who

Control of senses is the basis for any achievement
Control of senses is the foundation for all education. One cannot achieve success in any task withou
Unity of thought word and deed confers Divine grace
Even an insect can cause harm. To do good is difficult. Anybody can do harm. But only few can do goo

Man should get rid of selfishness and self interest to grow in spirituality
One must not only sanctify one’s life by remembering God but also develop morally, ethically and s

Do service and do not waste time in mere talk
One should not waste one’s precious time in mere words and speeches but should put to proper use b

What have you done for Swami
All the spiritual practises that one undertakes, is for one’s own fortification. Therefore one mus

Do service without any expectations: With analogy
Service activities must be taken up without any expectation of the end results, with a selfless atti

Giving talks would take you no where; Do service
First and foremost the vain and pomp show of words and idle talk must be done away with in Sai organ

Practice is more important than preaching while rendering service
Being called as Bharathiyas, who belong to the rich and sacred culture of Bharath, the Bharatiyas to

Service can never go along with egotism, attachment and ostentation
One must make self enquiry to find out if one has the necessary qualities to engage in service activ

Man should discriminate before acting
Embodiments of Love!! One should not waste even a fraction of a second of the most valuab

Lokamandu Pekku Bheekara Krutyamul
Terrible things are happening all the time; Inquire why, and you would find It is all due

Evaluation of work and self-satisfaction in Sathya Sai Seva Organisations; His guidelines
First and foremost, each and every office bearer should desist from self- praise using their status

Swami on William Gladstone; UK PM
There are lots of things that we need to achieve. For all this, Love and sacrifice are most importan

Involve in social service every sunday
In this summer class, a decision has been taken to undertake social service on every Sunday. Such se
Be prepared to serve and do not expect others to serve you: Chinnakatha
Embodiments of Divine atma! Students!! Students must be ready to serve others but should n

Permanent address of God is your heart
One must never think that God is present only in pilgrim centres or in holy shrines. God is everywhe

God is your true friend
Who is a friend? Today’s friends flock around as long as there is position, wealth, and health. Th

Youth should giveup impure thoughts and develop pure heart
So the young men and women should make an effort to know the sort of life they want to lead and the

God's love is selfless
One should love God. There is only one lovable object in the cosmos and that is God. Today one can s

What is social service according to Bhagawan
Every human being must possess the quality of gratitude. Having being the beneficiaries one must sho
Are youth having any gratitude towards society
Man is born in society, grows in society, earns name and fame in society and learns many skills in t

Paapa bheethi, Daiva preethi, Sangha neethi
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Youth should render selfless service to society
“The ignorance, due to lack of fear of sin, The absence of love for God,

Youth should involve themselves in Satsang
The well being of this world depends on the men and women. Hence, young men and women should have a

Bhagawan's love is Selfless
Embodiments of Love ! Infact your love for Bhagawan and Bhagwan's love for you are one and the same,

There are no limits for doing Seva
Our service should not be confined to a chosen place here or there. We should do service everywhere,

Swami on Dehi and Deha
It is said in the Vedas: Not by actions, not by progeny, not by wealth but by sacrifice alone one ca

All our Karma should be Selfless
The fact that service is superior to japa, dhyana and yoga is something you should recognize as trut

You see your own reflection in others
Premaswarupas! You must establish in your heart the idea of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God

Body is given to serve others
Just as bricks and mortar are necessary for building a house, so also, the feeling of harmony in tho

Serving others is the highest Sadhana
More than performance of Vratas (ritualistic vows) and Pujas (ritualistic worship), to do service is

What is Selfless Service
Premaswarupas! Today, the fact that the all-India Sathya Sai Swayam sevaks are celebrating their fou

Sacrifice is the way to move ahead in life; With analogies
Students learn swimming and know this better. When in the swimming pool, one has to push back the wa

Swami does everything for the welfare of society
This is the day of Ugadi. Sacred thoughts yield sacred results. Hence deeds motivated by and perform

Develop Selflessness like Krishna
Develop only good ideas. What ever you do, do it selflessly. This is what Krishna did. He conquered

All spiritual paths are challenging
Whatever path one may choose, facing difficulties is inevitable. This world is a dual world. With ha

Importance of Karma or action with Analogy
Actions are very important. Animal is born in Karma, it grows in Karma and ends in Karma. Karma is G

Do not imitate others; Message to Sevadal
Man's thoughts, words, looks and appearance reflect his true inner feelings. Therefore man's thought

Swami on Sathya Sai Oragnaisation Structure
While working together, there will be differences of opinion, there will be advice's given by variou

Ego and attachment are hindrances to service
Before undertaking this kind of selfless work, we should see that all attractions, likes and dislike

Sevadal should serve with good feelings
In our sevadal, there are several specialized indications and quotations, amongst these, in addition

Exercise the power of Discrimination
You should exercise discrimination, between the transient and the permanent. What is permanent? All

Swami teachings to balvikas teachers
Modern-day teachers, 90 out of 100 have no spiritual knowledge. They should recognize the truth that

Role of Balvikas Gurus in imparting knowledge
The teacher must take necessary care to teach such spiritual education.The teachers should be prepar

Develop selfless love
Embodiments of Love! Along with love, also cultivate kshama. What is normally professed as love is n

Love is the basis for forbearance
Embodiments of Love! Boys and Girls! True and Selfless Love manifests as sacrifice. Such love knows

New year doesn't bring joy or sorrow
Embodiments of Love! YEARS have rolled by, but man has not developed noble feelings. A true human

Bhagawan on today's education system
Today, because teachers who only care for their salary, comforts and their life, we are not able to

Balvikas gurus will receive Gods grace
Whatever we do, we should regard it as being done in the name of God, as an offering to God. We shou

Ideal teachings to Balvikas Gurus
We have been working as Balvikas gurus for the last four years. What is the result for the last four

Role of teachers in students life
Teachers are ideals. The teachers should put into practice and hand them over to students. As the te

Selfless life is ideal life
We should take a forward step to do selfless service. The trees, they perform selfless service. Even