God is present in everyone: Episode of Lakshmi bai Danghe (Shirdi Baba)
Shirdi Baba too taught wisdom on many occasions, in many ways using many examples. God is everywhere

God resides in stomach, so what kind of food we need to ingest it with
Stomach is the centre for all the different parts of the body. The stomach digests whatever is put i

What kind of food must be offered to the God who resides in the stomach as the digestive power
Each part, each system in the human body is sustained by specific life giving cells. There are certa

Importance and working of human body
It is a wrong notion that people consider health in relation to worldly existence. One also believes

Flip side of todays education System
In this land of bharath, which was once upon a time having an education system that consisted of var

Born as a human behave like one
Embodiments of Love!! Having being born as human one must try to broad

I keep correcting you till you learn: With Analogy
There are many subtle things that the students must know. Many people think that Swami often repeat

Niddura Nundi Lechi
Niduranundi lechi mari nuddura poyedidaaka, Pottakai haddulupaddu leka,

Parents should be role model to children
One must not indulge in worrying about others the moment one gets up from sleep.

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Food habits and maintenance of good health
Discipline is needed in eating too. One must eat only to the extent required. Excessive eating would

Sacrifice is the way to move ahead in life; With analogies
Students learn swimming and know this better. When in the swimming pool, one has to push back the wa

Who is a true devotee
Embodiments of Love! Be it any place, any state, any country, any region, any gender, any p

Physical body is temporary and transcient
This physical body which is made up of five elements is temporary, transient and is not going to las

Cultivate Love and Reverence
Sweet and tender hearted boys and girls! You should recognize that in our culture and in our traditi

Niddura Nundi Lechi
From dawn to dusk, from the moment you get up from bed till you retire, you spend all your time in c

Bhagawan on today's education system
Today, because teachers who only care for their salary, comforts and their life, we are not able to