Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life
Inner vision helps you to know your true nature: Beautiful analogies from householder's life

What are Vedas, their origin and significance
Embodiments of Divine atma!! From ancient times the people of Bharath have gone throug

Shirdi Baba gives the explanation of who is a true Guru: Kelkar Experience
One day Baba called Kelkar and asked him to do “Guru Pooja”, (worship Guru) as it was a Gurupoor

I have resolved to guide you onto the path of Advaitha
Therefore, I have resolved to spread the principles of spirituality based on the ‘Adwaitha’ path

Path of bhakthi is very sacred
Shankaracharya expounded the principle of adwaitha. He declared, “Sathyam gyanam anantham brahma

Become servant of servants
Every human being should keep in mind the principles of adwaitha, enter into the society with princi

Aham exists in everyone
The atma that dwells in all is one and the same. One may be named as Rama or Krishna or Madhusudhana

What is true Adwaitha
Therefore, one must hold on to that which is the basis for everything. The root cause for everything

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Adwaitha is truth and dwaitha is untruth
The Upanishads teach one to pray to be lead from darkness unto light, from untruth to truth and from

Veda is Dwaitha
Based on the nature of the world, the four Vedas declare the four great sayings: “Aham Brahmasmi,

One can understand Divine Principle by following intellect and by giving up mind
Some might think that Brahman can be achieved through some Sadhanas or spiritual endeavours, but Bra

Prayer is the magnet
Today man is not keeping his mind in a proper way due to an increase in the worldly desires.

Madhwacharya's dwaitha philosophy
Madhvacharya came thereafter and he held the view that if prominence was given only to Bhakthi (devo

What is Prema and what is Bhakthi
Pure, unwavering and unsullied love is called as Bhakthi. The kind of love which does not desire any

Ramanujacharya's visishtadwaitha philosophy
He began preaching and establishing the fact that it is the one atma that pervades all beings, God i
Shankaracharya's adwaitha philosophy
Making the philosophy of oneness of humanity as the basis, Shankaracharya undertook the task of prea

What is Satsang and good company according to Adi Shankara and Vemana
Shankara was in the position of a teacher for the entire world and he propagated many ideals amongs

World is full of sorrow; Seek peace within
Today in the world, we often hear news about some disturbance being caused in some part of the world

All religions taught us to be good
Young students! Indian culture is based on non-dual thought and non-dual philosophy. This special

See Unity in diversity and not vice-versa
Depending upon the circumstances and the state, the inner entity can be classified into four types.

There is only one Atma present in everyone
Today, one should understand and experience the oneness of the Atma which goes through every form

Understand yourself; Sanath Kumara to Narada
Once Narada met Sanath kumara and asked for enlightenment. Sanath kumara asked Narada about the sp