I will explain Vedanta extensively to you all
Bhagawan has started Vedanta in a simple way today. Every word and mantra in it has got immense mean

Krishna Asked Arjuna to pray during the war: Faith is pre-requisite for leading life
Krishna told Arjuna, “Arjuna! You may be wondering about how to think of me in battlefield. But yo

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha
Hari Bhajana Sukha Shanti Nahin; Hari Nama Bina Ananada Nahin; Prema Bhakti Bina Uddhara Nahin; Guru

What is Kriya Yoga according to Bhagawan
All that is outside is the reflection of the inner being. They are the reflections of the inner bein

Thoughts are passing clouds, do not entertain them
All the thoughts that come to a person are like the valueless dolls made of mud. They can be compare

Excessive talk leads to many problems: Practical analogies
Students!! The present day student is highly confused. The one who can talk does
Have the feeling "Swami belongs to you"
Bhagawan has said this many times. When sarees were distributed to the messengers, they said, "Thank

Origin of creation and lessons learnt from it
Without the world there is neither learning nor education. Earlier the whole world was in pitch dark
World is the true text book for man
Man reads so many books like the Gita, the Koran, the Bible, and the Ramayana etc. All these texts c

Youth should giveup impure thoughts and develop pure heart
So the young men and women should make an effort to know the sort of life they want to lead and the

Youth should never leave ideals
Young men and women are the protectors, sustainers and leaders of this world. Youth must make their

What is social service according to Bhagawan
Every human being must possess the quality of gratitude. Having being the beneficiaries one must sho

Religions and their practices are different; But God is one
Though from ancient times the Hindu philosophy has been fostered and protected by Hindus, unfortunat

Love is the basic principle for anything
Embodiments of love! If you want to have your desire, increase your love. Love will grant all the b

I celebrate birthday only to please devotees
As days passby, months role on, years passby, bhagawan never wanted the birthday celebrations. As al

Develop positive thoughts
Clean, remove all the negative feelings. Develop, grow more and more positive thoughts. As along the

Bhagawan's love is Selfless
Embodiments of Love ! Infact your love for Bhagawan and Bhagwan's love for you are one and the same,

Love all, hate none
When once you say God dwells in everyone you should love all. But you just say so but you consider s

My aim is to provide welfare to humanity
Embodiments of love! You say this is the 75th birthday of this body. Bhagawan is not bothered about

Swami on Unity, Purity and Divinity
From Bhagawan's point of view there are no bad people at all and you may do something you are bound

Bhagawan's message to Devotees
Embodiment's of Love! What can I say today? Looking at all of you, my heart is overwhelmed with love

Swami on devotees love for Him
The divinity present in humanity is very much apparent. Lakhs and Lakhs have assembled here because

Your connection must be heart to heart and love to love
You have behaved in an excellent way, with good habits and good conduct all these four days. At time

First serve family then comes society
Youngsters! Is Bhagawan giving you trouble every day? Bhagawan is ready to trouble

Youth should consider Bhagawan's message as a sacred dictum
Never doubt anything. Develop faith in God. Develop and grow in service. One can redeem one’s life

Practice what you learnt in Prashanthi Nilayam
Students! Young men and women!! Your education is not true and great learning; true learning

Swami on the blessed opportunity of attending the conference
Out of so many youngsters spread all over the world, you, who could gather are very, very lucky!! Do

Youth should have good character
Youngsters! As Bhagawan said in the beginning, character is the most important thing. No o

What do you mean by search for truth
Search for truth! Bhagawan has spoken on this yesterday. Why does one search for truth? Bhagawan is

How to make use of our will power
‘Name’ is negative, ‘service’ is positive; the current flows when both the negative and the

Youth is golden age
This age is golden age. If one wastes this golden age, one will be ruining one’s future. When the

Message of Bhagawan to all the Sai devotees
Therefore Sai devotees must, to some extent, sacrifice the selfishness, reduce the involvement in th
Swami does everything for the welfare of society
This is the day of Ugadi. Sacred thoughts yield sacred results. Hence deeds motivated by and perform

Swami on Tamil new year and on Madras
Tomorrow happens to be the New Year celebrated by the people of Tamil Nadu. Many have come to Prasha

How to control your senses; Bhagawan explains
For every human being, control of one's senses is essential. It would be wrong if we think that this

Swami on Sports meet efforts
Students! Bhagawan has been watching and noticing all the struggle and strain that you have undergon

Message to youth by Bhagawan
Youngsters of today are going to be the future leaders. Young men and women are going to maintain th

Message to students on Sports meet day
All your games are not sports and games over a limited period. You should be in this game throughout

Achieve oneness with Swami
Embodiments of Love! This experience should confer happiness on you. You should be made happy for al

Sports meet message to Students
All students have played very well to please Bhagawan. Bhagawan is satisfied and wishes that you too

How to make Swami happy
How to please Bhagawan? First we should fill our hearts with good virtues. We should not go on chang