How to control your senses; Bhagawan explains
Bangalore, Brindavan (Sevadal Conference )
For every human being, control of one's senses is essential. It would be wrong if we think that this ‘control of senses’ is required for only for the hermits and ascetics (Jogis and Yogis). This control of senses is essential for every one who has taken birth with a human body. With the feeling that the sensory organs belong to me, we should not let them go uncontrolled. Although the car is purchased by you, registered in your name and being driven by you, you need to put the brakes when you anticipate danger. If you think, “It’s my car, why should I put brakes.”, then you are verily inviting danger for yourself! In this analogy, the “human body” is like a car, the two “eyes” of the human body are like the two lights of the car. The “stomach” is like the petrol tank of the car. The “mouth” is like the horn of the car. Our “mind” is the steering for the car. The four “Purushardhas”-- Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha-- are like the four tyres of the car. The air in these four tyres is that of “faith”. Here when we put on the switch which is the “intelligence”-(buddhi) in us, then the car will start. We will have to compare the “Chitta” with the control of senses. When we can control the senses, it is then that our “Chitta” is purified. When the “Chitta” is purified then wisdom dawns.