Meaning of Dheeyoh Yonah Prachodayath
Shraddha, Rutham, Sathyam, yoga and mighty power are the five components of the sacred intellect. T

One needs to foster good thoughts
Thoughts are the basis for everything. Hence one must foster good thoughts. From where does one get

Sadgunambulu Sat Buddhi Sathya Nirathi
Good virtues, good mind, and adherence to truth Devotion, discipline and duty,

You are Brahman, realise it: Analogy of a Camera
Man is the embodiment of the Brahman. One should consider oneself as the Brahman and by believing an

Good qualities depends on the company we keep
“Budhdhihi karmanusaarini!!” One’s intellect develops based on one’s good and bad actions. B

Buddha's life teachings
Thereafter the religion of Buddha or Buddhism came into existence. Buddha was the son of Mayadevi an

Allayanchu Mohammadeeyulu
Muslims call him as ‘Allah’, Christians call Him as ‘Jehovah’, Vaishnavaites call Him as

What is Samadhi State
Students!! The word Samadhi is understood in many different ways in the world.

Swami on Kundalini and Yoga practices
There are 33 rings in the spinal column, and located between the 9th and 12th rings is the Sushumna

Can we do salutations to humans? Chinnakatha from Ashoka's life story
Many have a doubt whether it is alright to do namaskar to human beings. But who else will one do nam

See Unity in diversity and not vice-versa
Depending upon the circumstances and the state, the inner entity can be classified into four types.

The nature of Vinayaka is found everywhere
Today is Vinayaka Chaturthi. The nature of Vinayaka is found everywhere. Vinayaka is the master of S

We need to follow the teachings of Vinayaka
Vinayaka has many teachings that help man liberate himself. Worship of Lord Ganesha has been followe

Exercise the power of Discrimination
You should exercise discrimination, between the transient and the permanent. What is permanent? All

Buddhi Cheppeda Ravana
O Ravana, I shall teach you a lesson! Lanka is no longer yours, O evil one! Listen carefully and w

Indra Lokamaina, Chandra Lokamaina
According to the words of poet Vemana, it does not matter even if you go to the world of Indra or t

Understand your Body, Mind and Intelligence
According to the words of poet Vemana, it does not matter even if you go to the world of Indra or t

Remind yourself, "I am a human"
All of humanity belongs to one clan. In fact, there is only one race - the human race. It doesn’t