How to go through the path of Vanaprastha
The Vanaprastham stage is full of austerities. Vanaprastham precedes the Sanyasa stage. It is possib

Spirituality must begin at a tender age: Analogy
Some parents criticise when their children start to engage themselves in bhajans or devotion or in m

When Swami can cure why hospitals: Beautiful examples
Hence in order to protect and safeguard health, hospitals have been established here and there. Some

Students should not give scope for bad thoughts: Analogies
Students must develop good thoughts through their pious character and good qualities. One must never

True spirituality is seeing oneness in everything
Sathya Sai Organisations must not only teach spirituality but efforts must be made to change every a

Discriminate to know yourself first: Shankaracharya teachings
Man is discriminating everything but himself. Man must examine himself. That is the essence of spiri

Inner peace gives you outer harmony: Practical Solutions
First and foremost, one must know whom one should take refuge in, to get what one desires. People wa

Serve the society whole-heartedly, derive joy and get rid of your ego
Students must not struggle for a job. What is the “udyoga”, job of a student? Yoga is the job. S

Man should get rid of selfishness and self interest to grow in spirituality
One must not only sanctify one’s life by remembering God but also develop morally, ethically and s

Three p's important for building good character
Embodiments of Love!! In order to be successful in the field of spirituality, every

Motto of Swami's hospital is to provide free healthcare to all the poor
Embodiments of love!! Along with medicine, God’s grace and a spirit of sacrifice is al

Unity among all the wings of the organisation brings good results
Service is the noblest of all activities. All the plans that have been drafted are excellent but the

You are fortunate to be part of Sathya Sai Seva Organisations
In the days to come, this shed will not be sufficient to hold the conferences of Sai organisations.

I have resolved to guide you onto the path of Advaitha
Therefore, I have resolved to spread the principles of spirituality based on the ‘Adwaitha’ path

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Spirituality has become business today
In this Kali age, spirituality has become a business now. That day the spirituality becomes down to

Significance of Guru and Guru Poornima
What is the significance of Guru Poornima? Guru is not who is merely teacher, who teaches all the m

Body is an instrument in realizing God
The Scientists said, the place where the science ends spirituality begins. This is important. All th

Three important wings of the organisation
First and the foremost wing of this organisation is love for God, that is spirituality; the second i

Modern day practices in spirituality and demoralisation of Indian culture
Embodiments of the sacred soul! Students!! To follow a spiritual path is the desire of

One should not breed any differences in bhajans or in prayer
The bhajans were sung in a worldly perspective. Swami has observed it. The boys did not join the sin

What is the relationship between Paramardhika, Vyavaharika and Prathibhasika
What is the relationship between “Paramardhika”- relating to the supreme truth, “vyavaharikam

Every ritual should carry the spiritual aspect
People have been singing bhajans throughout the past night. It is a worldly ritual. How does one get

Sevadal must find unity in diversity
We must also learn to speak in a good manner. In trying to get youth, especially the students, into

Namasmarana is the most essential component in spirituality
In the path of spirituality, contemplation of the Lord is most important. By singing the glory of Go

Youth should giveup impure thoughts and develop pure heart
So the young men and women should make an effort to know the sort of life they want to lead and the

We need to develop the quality of sacrifice, love for the country and contemplate upon spiritual truths
Swami wishes that we put aside the differences of caste and religion and make an effort to realise t

Shankaracharya's adwaitha philosophy
Making the philosophy of oneness of humanity as the basis, Shankaracharya undertook the task of prea

How religions arisened in the world
Embodiments of the sacred Atma!! Bharath from times immemorial has taught the world the w

How to absorb good qualities; Analogy from Mahabharatha
There is a small example from the epic Mahabharata to illustrate the aspect of ‘guna grahana’ th

What is Samadhi State
Students!! The word Samadhi is understood in many different ways in the world.

Pranayama and Prathyahara
Embodiments of the divine atma! Young boys and girls!! The path of spirituality can be co

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa on practice
The great saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to live in an ashram in a village named Kamarakpur in B

Namaskaram signifies unity
Salutation offered with two hands brought together is referred to as Namaskaram. What is the inner s

Pusthakamul Patinchithini
O Man! You boast about books read and scriptures mastered, And proud you are of ephemeral knowled

Man is losing his morals today
Man is the combination of three aspects namely, morality, righteousness and spirituality. Such a sac

You are atman; Realize it
Bhagawan said, You are all the embodiment's the divine. You are imperishable. The spirit or Atma is

Bhagawan's message to Devotees
Embodiment's of Love! What can I say today? Looking at all of you, my heart is overwhelmed with love

Swami on Pancha Koshas with analogies
Without food, the body cannot live. If there is no body, we cannot really picture the mind. If the

Early life of Sri Adi Shankaracharya
More recently, in the year the name of which was Nandana, in the month the name of which was Vaisha

Life's journey is all about, 'I' to 'WE'
Life consists in man’s attempt to move from the place called “I” to a place called “WE.”

What is Selfless Service
Premaswarupas! Today, the fact that the all-India Sathya Sai Swayam sevaks are celebrating their fou
What is the meaning of spirituality
What is the meaning of spirituality? Thinking constantly of the self is considered as spirituality;

Giveup narrow mind from this Ugadi
Embodiments of Love! WE have been experiencing the bliss of celebrating Ugadi (Telugu New Year) fo

Foster love and cultivate sacrifice
It is essential to do certain things. Do not give up God. Cultivate sacrifice. Foster love and recog

Significance and greatness of India
From stone to a precious gem, from an inert thing to the most illuminated, from the lowest caste to

Everything should be treated as a gift of God
Criticizing God whenever you are having some problems and difficulties, praising God when your wishe

Swami on Yogi, Rogi and Bhogi
God's acts depend upon the devotees' understanding. For people who go on praying that God have you n

Be physically and mentally fit
Today we have sports and games, You should never consider them as worldly, physical acts. You should

What is the True meaning of Spirituality
Spirituality does not mean a life of loneliness or solitude. Spirituality is one which is beyond all

Who are theTrinity
In this world there are none who have seen Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara. Who is Brahma? Who is Vishnu?

Children have tender hearts; Mould them
Boys and girls who are the future citizens of this country and those who are responsible for the fut

Vidya Vallanu Vinayammu
Out of education comes humility, out of humility comes deservedness, out of deservedness comes wealt

Kshama is the very breath of life
Kshama is thus the very breath of life. Can there be smoke without fire? Can a car move without a

Human life is very precious
Obtaining this divine as human birth - you have got the birth of a man which is very precious, beyon

God is all pervasive and permanent
Narada explains the nine types of Bhakthi - listening, singing, thinking of God, serving His feet, p

Meaning of Gayathri Mantra
He said, 'Bhur Bhuvah Suvaha'. There is nothing beyond these three in this world. The BHUR is materi

Be a change before you aspire for it
So we should utter sacred words. We should not use words which hurt anyone. We should not abuse anyb

True significance of Onam
Onam does not mean limiting the celebration to the preparation of rice-pudding and other sweets. We