Namaskaram signifies unity
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (1996 Special Discourses )
Salutation offered with two hands brought together is referred to as Namaskaram. What is the inner significance of Namaskaram? When the ten fingers of the two hands are brought together to offer Namaskaram, it is a symbolic representation of the unity and harmony of the five organs of action and the five organs of cognition. Namaskaram stands for seeing unity in diversity. True spirituality implies seeing the same Atma in all beings. The gesture of Namaskaram is thus not only very important but also has deep significance in spirituality. The Sanskrit phrase ‘Na-mama,’ means ‘not me.’ Thus Namaskaram can also be interpreted as an action intended to diminish and eventually remove ego. ‘Mama,’ means everything is mine while ‘Na-mama’ means nothing is mine. It is like saying, “O Swami! Everything is yours!!” The gesture of Namaskaram thus implies surrendering to God with the feeling that nothing belongs to us.
Unity of thought word and deed confers Divine grace
00:03:00Even an insect can cause harm. To do good is difficult. Anybody can do harm. But only few can do good. Unless you are good at heart, speak good words, and perform good deeds, how do you expect Sai to feel happy and bless you? If you are not good at heart, cannot speak good words, and do good acts how do you expect God to give you boons? This is complete ignorance. If you want to be blessed by God, you must develop a good heart, speak good words, and must have good conduct. When these qualities are there in you, you are bound to get Divine blessings. Purity of mind, good speech, and selfless service, results in enlightenment. If words and deeds do not match, one is bound to face problems in life. There are good persons also in the world. But hardly anyone enquires about their physical and mental well being! If there are no good people, the world would not have been what it is today. Human birth is sacred. Unfortunately, many human beings behaviour is worse than that of animals. They only strive for materialistic possessions, all along, and seldom they think of God. But they do resort to part-time devotion, at times! As you think, you become.
How we are more same than different
00:01:00Birth and death are common for every human being. They are equal. An affluent person does not come from the sky and a poor man does not come from a different place. Both come from mother’s labour. Hunger and thirst are same for all. An affluent person may take rich food with a variety of dishes. A poor man may take only Ragi soup. But hunger is identical in both of them. Therefore, hunger and thirst, birth and death, heart and body are identical for one and all. This UNITY in DIVERSITY must be understood by one and all.
We can achieve alot when we are united: Story of father and five sons
00:03:32People read news paper daily. There are many types of news in that. It may be news or nuisance but people read them. First unity must be achieved. How should it be achieved? With unity there is nothing that cannot be achieved. Joining the five fingers in unison one can accomplish any task. A father had five sons. He asked each of his five sons to remain united and safe guard respect of the family after his death. The sons promised their father that they would remain united till their death. The father took their words to heart. One day a man brought a bundle of fire wood to his home. He put the bundle against a wall, paid the man and sent him away. He called each of his sons and asked them to break the bundle of firewood as he wanted to test their strength. The first son tried his best to break the bundle but could not do so. In similar manner the father called all the sons. And each of the sons put forth their strength to break the bundle but could not break it. Then the father took out pieces of wood from the bundle and gave to each of his five sons. Every one of them could easily break the stick in one go. All the sticks in the bundle were easily broken in this way. Then the father said, “Son, if all the sticks were together as one in a bundle then nobody can break them. Individual sticks can be easily broken by anybody. Likewise, if all the five of you stand united, nobody can harm you. But when you are divided, everyone will take advantage of you and conquer you. You already promised that you would all stay united, be so.” How much strength is there when all stand united?!! This cloth here has many threads; it becomes difficult to break all the threads together. It is easier to sever the individual threads with bare fingers. Therefore, unity is strength and its practice is worthy. This unity must be put into practice. Then this country will become an ideal country. This age of students will render ideal students. Youth, wherever they go, should not give scope for any kind of restlessness.
We should exercise unity in diversity
00:01:17“Isa vaasyam midam sarvam” the divinity that exists in all manifests as humanness. Man today is becoming scholarly in viewing the diversity in unity but the capacity to see and believe the unity, the oneness, in diversity is on the decline. One must see the unity in the diversity for that is truly the essence of “Rasovai saha”. That is “unity in diversity!” In this modern age the path of unity is the one that has to be followed. Man must develop faith which is unwavering and steady. Steady vision and unwavering mind must be developed to make human life stable. The greatest victory of man lies in achieving stability in life.
We need to learn to see unity in diversity: With analogies
00:03:23For Bharatiyas all festivals are sacred days. They are true, eternal, beyond attributes. It does not have form or qualities. It is the one that is divided into forms everywhere. Man neglects the unity in the diversity. All the Upanishads today prove the unity in diversity. But the nature today is to divide the one into many. The people of present times have only recognised fragmentation but do not put efforts to realise the latent unity. Therefore the endeavour today should be to experience unity in diversity. The ‘fundamental’, the basis, is only one and the ones that are based on the fundamental are many. There are many bulbs and each bulb sheds light. But one must realise the truth that although there are many bulbs, there is only one current. In this way man must realise the unity in diversity. People build houses and put many bulbs for light inside the house. In order to light the bulbs, one must switch on the mains. And when the mains are switched off, the bulbs do not illumine any more. So they all depend on the main switch. It is the one ‘atma’, soul, that appears as many in the creation. ‘Atma’ means the power of awareness, which is the super power, the power of eternal bliss, the power of bliss of yoga and that is the ‘advaithananda sakti’ the power of bliss got from non-dualism. Man, without making an effort to realise the power of non-duality, immersing oneself in duality and fostering the diversity, experiences darkness.
Unity leads you to gain wisdom
00:00:59Man today is wasting his life by indulging in selfish motives and by not believing in the transcendental reality. The castle of life built on the water bubble of selfishness is bound to collapse. Hence the Upanishads have reiterated, “Utthishtata, jagrata, prapyavarannibodhata!” urging one to wake up from the slumber of ignorance and realise the truth. When can one get such wisdom? One must realise the truth that all are one.
Unity makes India ideal
00:02:00Embodiment's of love! Unity is the most essential today to mould Bharat as an ideal country. All our leaders of the past they sacrificed and they have determined and achieved independence. They have achieved independence but they have not achieved unity till now. What is the use of independence? Because of the lack of unity we are suffering today. We find hatred all over. There are ten parties with in one party. The same family has got different paths, how do you expect independence to be maintained. This is not what we are supposed to learn. We should recognize the oneness in all and we are blind because we have lost the sight. You may not have faith in anybody at least have faith in yourself. That is divine. First have confidence in yourself, then you will have confidence in God and this is the secret of greatness. If you have faith in you then you will have faith in God and then you will understand that you are God. God has no specific form and this very positive 'I' is divine. Having faith in this oneness, to protect our country, with unity, we can certainly accomplish any divine power. You will be successful in any path.
Swami on Unity, Purity and Divinity
00:01:20From Bhagawan's point of view there are no bad people at all and you may do something you are bound to change tomorrow. But Bhagawan's path is one. All belong to Bhagawan and Bhagawan belongs to all. His love is the binding principle. Bhagawan treats everyone with love. You may not love him but yet Bhagawan blesses you. Bhagawan will not search your mistakes or your faults. Bhagawan goes by the principle of Love and this principle of unity must be recognised by everyone. Out of this unity you develop purity and this purity will lead to divinity. To develop divinity we need purity. If you want purity you should mingle together and be united. Then you will get a positive result.
See Unity in diversity and not vice-versa
00:02:37Depending upon the circumstances and the state, the inner entity can be classified into four types. When filled with thoughts and wills, it is called as ‘Manas’ or mind. When it wavers, the inner state is called as ‘Chitta’. When using the element of discrimination it is called as ‘buddhi’ or the intellect. When filled with the motive of attachment and selfishness, it is called as ‘Ahankara’ or ego. The inner entity is given different names of ‘mind’, ‘chitta’, ‘buddhi’ and ‘Ahankara’ based on the changes in its qualities. It is good to understand the basic difference between ‘Manas’, the mind and ‘buddhi’, the intellect. The mind has a divisive tendency. Intellect is beyond such divisions. Hence, ‘buddhi’ can be associated with adwaitha. Division is the quality of dwaitha and this dwaitha divides the one into many. Buddhi on the other hand proves the unity or oneness in diversity. All the Sadhanas or the spiritual exercises that one undertakes must be to realise the underlying unity in the diversity and not vice versa. Hence, the Gayathri mantra is the sacred mantra that proves the underlying unity in the diversity. One attains divinity and sanctity through the principle of unity.
Unity is the essence of human life
00:03:13Embodiments of Love! Ages have gone by and the world has undergone many changes; but there is no transformation in the human heart.Some people say that education is bringing about a change in man. No doubt, there has been a change. But what typeof change is it? It is a peculiar change that is leading to perversion of human mind instead of transforming his heart. In fact, modern education has added to the confusion of man. Man is not learning what he is supposed to. He is wasting his life by cultivating bestial qualities and by indulging in demonic deeds. The culture of Bharat lays great emphasis on the underlying unity in diversity. It wants us to understand this principle of unity and work for our own redemption. But we are following what is contrary to our ancient culture. So, there is a rise today in the number of the so called educated and intellectuals who fragment unity into diversity, but the number of noble souls who visualise unity in diversity is on the decline. It is unfortunate that Bharatiyas themselves have not understood how sacred and noble their culture is! Oh sacred souls of Bharath! Try to understand fully the value of Bharatiya culture. You are endowed with unlimited potentialities. But you are unaware of your mighty strength. The way of life of ancient Bharatiyas was such that they evinced great concern for everyone’s welfare. They found fulfillment in giving happiness to others. But man today lacks such broad-mindedness. He is not able to realise and experience his innate noble qualities.
The law of life is Unity
00:01:21We should not think that divinity is existing only in a specific form. There is need for unity. It is not possible to solve the problems in the world today by any other means. Unity is essential. The law of life is Unity. You can get divine joy only in this particular form. Only when there is that unity in every human being you can find purity. That purity itself becomes divinity. Therefore, unity is essential. Unity is absolutely necessary. If you want to enjoy this oneness, it is only possible through love.
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