Why Swami established hospitals in rural areas and not in cities
There are people from villages who do not know about health and suffer when afflicted by illness. Th

What is the True meaning of Man or Manava
Students do not understand what humanness is. He declares himself as being "Manava" without knowing

Act on the good thought the moment it rises : Ravana's Message to Humanity
Last words of wisdom from Ravana: Good message Ravana fell down after being hit by

We need to repose faith in God: Story of Nana Saheb Chandorkar; A shirdi Baba Devotee
One must have implicit faith in God’s words and conduct oneself in accordance with it. Then alone

Desire for God, rest will come to you
Faith is very important. Devotion and Faith are to be realized properly. Devotion is Love for God a

What is adopting village and how to serve villages
Villages have been adopted. First and foremost one must understand the true meaning of adoption. The

Service is the highest form of worship
one must not look down upon Seva. Belittling Seva shows one’s petty mindedness. One must strengthe

What is Seva and how Seva instills in you courage and determination:
The one who calls himself as “Sevak”, a servant, should always be ready to serve others but shou
Difficulties would make us grow in life: With explanations from various avatars life
Life is sacred, invaluable and is worth living. Man must perform actions in order to develop such fi

Baba's early life in Shirdi
In the year 1854 Baba reached Shirdi. Mahalsapathi saw him as Baba reached Shirdi. When Bab

Shirdi Baba's Life Story
There is another speciality associated with this day. In the year 1838, Shirdi Sai Baba was born in

Food and television are the causes for the agitation of mind
What is the cause for the thoughts that arise either in the mind or outside? One might conquer Indra

Doctors must foster love and sacrifice
There is an important and new lesson that is useful especially for the doctors namely to give up the

Man is unable to see the divinity present in living beings
“Chillara raallaku mokkutu vunte Chitthamu chedura orey orey!!” Bowing to every

Suffering is caused when senses control oneself
Today man feels that he has accomplished many things. Whatever man may accomplish, misery follows it

Praise or blame doesn't belong to you
People think that others have accused them. If they go on worrying and feeling bad about the accusat

Don't get attached to the body: Swami's example
People know that Swami leads by example. This is Swami’s body. But Swami is the not the body, Swam

Do not have hatred towards anybody
Nityananadam, parama sukhadam Kevalam gnyaana murtim Dwandwateetam, gagana

Every action has a reaction: With beautiful analogies
Every action has a consequence. There cannot be an action without reaction. An action however small

Become messengers of God
There are three paths. "I'm the messenger of God" (is the first one). I should be the messenger, I s

Paul and Jesus
Initially, Paul was a fierce critic of Jesus. Jesus appeared in a dream to Paul, and smiled. He patt

God gives suffering that we can bear
So, we will subtly assume the form of God when we think of God all the time. Never be depressed that

In sorrow rests the pleasure, Said Jesus
Pleasure and pain go together. There is no man without these twins, pain and pleasure. Pain and ple

Help distressed people; Jesus said
You see many people suffering. You also see the forlorn, the helpless. In what way are you helping t

God is in you; Thyagaraja Pining
God is within me, He is with me, above me, below me, everywhere around me. He is everywhere. How can

Jesus missing in Jerusalem
Jesus is truth. He is one who experienced it all. When he was very young, the mother and the father
Veda is Dwaitha
Based on the nature of the world, the four Vedas declare the four great sayings: “Aham Brahmasmi,

Consider everyone as your own while rendering service
One should treat people, who are suffering, who are immersed in sorrow and who are helpless, as the

Be prepared to serve and do not expect others to serve you: Chinnakatha
Embodiments of Divine atma! Students!! Students must be ready to serve others but should n

Do not blame others for your actions
“Manayeva manushyanaam, kaaranam bandhamokshayoho”- mind is the cause for bondage or liberation!

Work, worship and wisdom; Karma Marga
“Work is worship”. Sevadals must work with the body, worship with the mind and merge in wisdom t

Unity makes India ideal
Embodiment's of love! Unity is the most essential today to mould Bharat as an ideal country. All our

Meaning of Samprapthe Sannihithe Kale
In the second half of the verse, Shankara is saying that as your death is drawing close and as your

Sevadal should serve with broader vision
If you really want to justify your belonging to an organization like the Sathya Sai Organization, yo

Swami on the devotion of Thyagaraja
Thyagaraja was a great devotee but he too had to face so many difficulties.Thyagaraja, who could bea

How to be happy amidst your worries
Be happy always!! One may say, “Swami! How is it possible to stay happy always amidst the problems

Carelessness is the reason for diseases
It is one’s impertinence or laziness that is the root cause for all these diseases. ‘Laziness is

Pesticides- Root cause for ill-health
Further there are many things happening around. A pesticide, ‘DDT’ is sprayed on the fruit and v

Who is a true devotee
Embodiments of Love! Be it any place, any state, any country, any region, any gender, any p

Swami on the devotion of Gopikas
This physical body is a mere instrument. It is God's will which makes this move, which makes this en

All spiritual paths are challenging
Whatever path one may choose, facing difficulties is inevitable. This world is a dual world. With ha

Who is Vigneshwara
Modern man is weak. In modern times, people commit sins, but they neither realise their mistakes nor

Bheeshma and Vaikunta Ekadashi
Today is the festival of Mukkoti Ekadashi, also called Vaikuntha Ekadashi. Bheeshma was resting on t

How to help others
Embodiments of love, what meant by "help"? A small example. You all travel in buses and trains. As y

All is Divine
Everything is divine. The universe is God. God is in all beings. The awareness is the divinity prese

Students should develop Gratitude
Human nature in which there is no gratitude will turn into an animal nature. So, boys and girls! In

Love is the basis for forbearance
Embodiments of Love! Boys and Girls! True and Selfless Love manifests as sacrifice. Such love knows

God exists; Message to youth with analogies
Young people generally do not have faith in God and they get into a despondent situation by asking

New year doesn't bring joy or sorrow
Embodiments of Love! YEARS have rolled by, but man has not developed noble feelings. A true human
Niddura Nundi Lechi
From dawn to dusk, from the moment you get up from bed till you retire, you spend all your time in c

Truth is the basis for everything
Embodiments of love! The whole universe rests on the principle of truth. Truth is present everywhere

Role of teachers in making ideal students
It is not as if in this country there are no wealthy people. It is not as if there are no highly ed