Without faith and love in God, whatever we do is useless: Analogy
It is all useless if one does not have faith in God. People bring fresh vegetables; hire a good cook

Vidyalanniyu Nerchi
Vidyalanniyu nerchi yemi viluva sunna? Yemmelu biyyelu pasaivachchi, peRigaanchina pedda vaaralai

Swami on the downward trend of present education system
It is enough if one has faith in oneself. How can one trust others if one does not trust oneself? T

Spirituality must begin at a tender age: Analogy
Some parents criticise when their children start to engage themselves in bhajans or devotion or in m

Health confers salvation or liberation, so protect your health
Embodiments of love! All said and done, the summary of Swami’s talk is t

Why Swami established hospitals in rural areas and not in cities
There are people from villages who do not know about health and suffer when afflicted by illness. Th

When Swami can cure why hospitals: Beautiful examples
Hence in order to protect and safeguard health, hospitals have been established here and there. Some

Health is the real wealth
Therefore this material wealth is not important. It is the wealth of goodness and good qualities tha

Story of Alexander - Chinnakatha
Alexander was the Greek emperor who made many conquests on India. He was a very rich king. But he wa

Sugar is the root cause for Cancer
Till date no doctor has been able to fathom the reason for the occurrence of cancer. One can know th

We need to take foods which give strength: All Vitamins and proteins are needed for body
Life sustaining food that is nourishing and nutritious must be eaten. But in this world under the in

Swami speaks on BP and diabetes: Why Diet prescribed for sugar patients
A small illustration to highlight the point: since it is the hospital day today, it is imperative to

To maintain good health we need to maintain good diet: Weight loss is a must for maintaining good health
A person has blood pressure. In the wake of the blood pressure, this person becomes a victim of diab

Heart cannot function properly if the body gets unfit
There is the heart. It can only pump and supply to its capacity and cannot supply beyond its capacit

God resides in stomach, so what kind of food we need to ingest it with
Stomach is the centre for all the different parts of the body. The stomach digests whatever is put i

What kind of food must be offered to the God who resides in the stomach as the digestive power
Each part, each system in the human body is sustained by specific life giving cells. There are certa

Cooked food leads to perennial amount of diseases
Therefore in order to preserve and protect one’s health one must control one’s habits, behaviour

We need to keep up good health to experience Eternal bliss
It is a wrong notion that people consider health in relation to worldly existence. One also believes

Importance and working of human body
It is a wrong notion that people consider health in relation to worldly existence. One also believes

Even to attain liberation one needs to have good health: With an analogy
Health is necessary in order to discharge one’s responsibilities in terms of dharma, artha, kama a

All wealth without health is futile
Embodiments of Love!! There are many types of wealth and pleasures to be enjoye

Manchi Talapulu Matalu
Good thoughts, good words and good deeds as also the tendency to listen to all that is good and to t

What is adopting village and how to serve villages
Villages have been adopted. First and foremost one must understand the true meaning of adoption. The

What is the significance of human life
If man is satisfied living with his physical sheath alone then what is the specialty of human life?

The Body is the Temple of God - Treat it Thus
Whether you believe it or not, I never did these sadhana at all. But, this body which is 67 years ol

There Cannot be a Healthy Body Without a Mind Filled With Sacred Thoughts
Mind is responsible for both bondage and liberation. We must entertain only those thoughts that are
Mere Practice of Asana Cannot be Called Yoga
Patanjali dedicated his life for the sake of yoga. Not only this. He propagated that human life is b
Yoga Can Bring Benefits Way Deeper Than Just Physical Health
It was also investigated in a different way in old Mexico. There in old Mexico, they had jailed many

Increasing Number of Researchers are Converging on the Medical Benefits of Yoga
In an international university in America, a physiology professor experimented in different ways. He

Yoga is the Best Solution for Problems Caused by Modern Lifestyle
In this age of technology, in order to maintain the burdensome family life and to bring more prosper

Aspire for the welfare and happiness of the poor
In the coming days people will understand and enjoy the spirit of sacrifice and bliss experienced in

Swami speaks on the greatness of our hospitals
The glory and greatness of this hospital may not be known today but will be widespread in the coming

Motto of Swami's hospital is to provide free healthcare to all the poor
Embodiments of love!! Along with medicine, God’s grace and a spirit of sacrifice is al

Sacrifice is the hallmark of a true doctor
Fortunately people have acquired the required education and have become big doctors but what is the

Sai institutions provide everything at free of cost: With examples
A washer man had come from Gulbarga few days back. He said, “O Swami! You are truly God! We are cu
Medical services at Swami's hospitals is fully free
Anybody can be afflicted by disease or ill health; there is no difference of poor or wealthy. The tr

Swami is happy when you serve the poor
The heart diseases are increasing day by day. Heart surgeries being are performed at the super speci

Man cannot accomplish even a small task without the divine will: Analogies from human body
Heart is the most important organ in the human body. Life becomes useless if the heart goes on a str

Swami on Allopathy and Ayurveda
Embodiments of Divine Atma!! In Bharath, since ancient times, noble souls and spiritual se

Village service and pre-requisites needed for it
Serving in the villages is very important. Helping those who face dire inconveniences, who are subje

Roles of State presidents, district presidents and other members of the organisation
In the beginning the rules and regulations are necessary. As the members have understood the rules a

Human body should be put to work
There is a machine, a pump set, and a generator. They are all made up of Iron. If they are not put t

Reasons for diseases and bad health
The other day in a conversation there in Bangalore, he said, “I take bath in the river of life her

God's love is true wealth
If money is lost, you can get it back. If the health is lost, you can regain it. But when character

Allah Yanchu Mohammadeeyulu
Muslims worship Him as Allah, Christians call Him Jehovah, Vaishnavites pray to Vishnu and Shaivites

God is your true friend
Who is a friend? Today’s friends flock around as long as there is position, wealth, and health. Th

Allayanchu Mohammadeeyulu
Muslims call him as ‘Allah’, Christians call Him as ‘Jehovah’, Vaishnavaites call Him as â

Food habits and maintenance of good health
Discipline is needed in eating too. One must eat only to the extent required. Excessive eating would

Forget past, live in present and don't worry about future
Past is past, it is beyond recovery. In spite of all efforts one cannot regain it. Do not think abou

Do service; Lead a simple life: Message to youth
One need not spend money in order to do service. To the extent possible one should spend less money

How to do service in villages
With conviction and courage one must render service in society. With that spirit of courage one must

Allahyanchu Mohamadeeyulu
The Muslims refer to God as Allah, the good Christians refer to God as Jehovah, the Vaishnavites ref

Names and forms are many, God is one
God is only one but names and forms are many. Each one likes a particular form and or a particular n

Swami's words of appreciation for doctor's
Embodiments of love!! All the assembled here have come from far off places bearing all the

Swami on the role of doctors and on the current state of medical colleges
Many doctors raised doubts in the reports submitted yesterday; they were concerned about the success

What is Vittamu and how it is earned
In Bharat, the word ‘vittamu’ is used. What is the meaning of this word? Many think it means the

Pesticides- Root cause for ill-health
Further there are many things happening around. A pesticide, ‘DDT’ is sprayed on the fruit and v

Swami on Antibiotics
New medicines are being developed. These new medicines are full of antibiotics. These antibiotics c

Prevention is better than cure; Doctor's role
Doctors are trying to cure a disease after it afflicts the person; Swami feels that efforts must be

Doctors are concentrating on physical ailments and not on mental ill-ness
Many doctors prescribe proteins as necessary and suggest eating meat and eggs as they contain protei

Role of food and water in maintaining good health
The subtle form of water is life. The subtle form of food is mind. Thus there is a close relationshi

Krishna - Radha Tattwa
Embodiments of divine love! We should not consider Atmic principle only limited to bodies. Only when

Swami on whom to serve and how to serve
For what purpose has this body come? It has come for the purpose of service. Hence, doing service to

First aid kit for Sevadal according to Swami
Amongst the many conclusions that we have reached today, we have made one decision that the members

What is offered to Vinayaka; Inner significance
On this day of Vinayaka Chaturthi, various kinds of offerings are made. But He does not accept any o

Human values are latent inside
Today we have lost the sacred human values. Because of the loss of the human values, we have become

Swami on the importance of human values
If money is lost, by struggle and strain you can get back the lost money. If the health is lost, by

Who are theTrinity
In this world there are none who have seen Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara. Who is Brahma? Who is Vishnu?

Lead a Divine life from new year
This is New Year Day according to the Gregorian calendar. We have other New Year days according to

Human character is most important
The human heart which is so soft and tender has now become so hard. Why? The reason is our conduct.