Swami on the importance of human values
Puttaparthi, Sai Kulwanth Hall (Sankranthi )
If money is lost, by struggle and strain you can get back the lost money. If the health is lost, by consulting physicians you can get back your fitness. But once character and values are lost, human life is a waste. Human values are most important today. In fact, human values have their origin in man. Human values are not found in any of the texts nor are they imported, exported or cultivated. When you follow the path of truth and undertake truthful activities, you will have the human values with you. Embodiment's of love! More than the education you acquire, more than your actions, if you uphold the human values, all the rest will follow automatically.
-Human values
Knowledge is bestowed only through practice
00:01:18“Abhyasaamsaruni vidyaam” –one gets knowledge based on one’s perseverance and dedication. Learning requires sincere practice. By practice alone, one can meditate. Through meditation one develops sacrifice and by spirit of sacrifice one attains peace. So for everything practice is essential. Man masters walking, talking, reading etc only through practice. Practice is of utmost importance if one wants success in attaining knowledge.
Swami on the role of head, heart and hand
00:02:50The food and habits of man today are very peculiar. Two aspects are important to man namely, the heart and the head. The head thinks of the worldly things. It expresses only the external factors. It has object outlooks, whereas the heart takes into consideration the subject outlooks. The object outlooks is called as the path of ‘Pravrittii’ All the actions done by man be it the business transactions or the education acquired or the money earned- all relate to the external nature, ‘pravritti’. Desire, anger, lust, attachments, envy and jealousy are related to this external nature. Pravruthi, the external, is constituted by these six aspects. Hence they change continuously. As the body is constituted with the six elements, it also undergoes change continuously. But the heart remains unshaken and steady always. This is the path of ‘Nivritti’, the inward path. What are the attributes of this path? The qualities or attributes of the inward path are: truth, compassion, love and sacrifice. These human qualities originate from the heart. The entire external outlook comes from the head. Therefore the human life centres on these two namely the head and the heart. These two are integrated by the hand. Hence, the proper study of mankind is man. Man should strive to realise the nature of the three ‘H’s, ‘Heart, Hand, Head’.
Human values are latent inside
00:02:29Today we have lost the sacred human values. Because of the loss of the human values, we have become very weak. You may have high percentage of marks in the examination. You may get high percentage of marks, but see that you don't get remarks anywhere. In this country and in this world youngsters strive hard. For education, they go round the world. In order to have human values one should turn within and get into the heart. True wealth and affluence are present in our own hearts, not outside. So every person and student should make an attempt to turn the mind inward. When the mind turns inward, you will have all the ability, strength and capacities. The leaders and emancipators of the future should have these ideas and noble sentiments. Therefore, we should achieve human values to begin with. You may lose money but you can get it back. You may lose your health but you can get it back. But once the values are lost, you will be losing everything in life. Therefore we have to protect and safeguard our innate values.
Human values are latent in us
00:01:34Embodiments of love! Under the present circumstances, we should know that love is important. As love is lost, the human quality is lost. What are the human values? Love is a human value. Truth, non-violence, righteousness are human values. In spite of all the values latent within us, we lead a valueless life. Human life does not mean just having a human form. You should be human by your actions. Just having the human form is of no use. Can all green birds speak like a parrot? Do all worms crawling on a flower turn into butterflies? A pig may be stout , but it can never be an elephant. Therefore human life is not merely based on form. Being a man, he is not able to recognise the latent divinity, just as the nectar present in a flower is not enjoyed by the creeper, and the fruit juice contained within a fruit is not experienced by the tree.
Human life rests on human values
00:02:10Embodiments of Love! The mansion of human life rests on the four pillars of truth, righteousness, love and peace. The safety and security of life depend on these four values. Since ancient times, the culture of Bharat has been able to sustain itself as it is built on the bedrock of these values. Our ancestors led their lives strictly adhering to these eternal values. Bereft of these values, the mansion of life will collapse in a moment. Humanity continues to exist till this day only due to the fact that he/she is practicing these four values at least to a certain extent.
Life without virtues is a waste
00:01:45Money makes many wrongs. Money makes many things. Money comes and goes, but Morality comes and grows. We should earn this (morality) first. Today in the world, money is everything. Man today wants to acquire these three things - Dhana or money, kalimi or wealth, chelimi or friendship. He wants kalimi, friendship, and balimi or strength. Without virtue, of what use is strength? Without character, of what use is money? Without character of what use are your friendships? Therefore, chelimi or friendship, balimi or strength, kalimi or property are useless. It is the virtue that is permanent. We have to develop that good character. Only the one with virtues is a true man. Without virtues, he is no human. The animals have animal qualities. Animal qualities have some limits, animals have some reason and season. Man today has no reason and no season. That is the sort of human life we find today.
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