Even to attain liberation one needs to have good health: With an analogy
Health is necessary in order to discharge one’s responsibilities in terms of dharma, artha, kama a

All wealth without health is futile
Embodiments of Love!! There are many types of wealth and pleasures to be enjoye

Never give up truth in lIfe
Never give up truth. Truth is our life. Truth is changeless in all the three periods of time. Truth

Attachment and selfishness lead to ruin
‘Na Karmanaa, Naprajayaa, Tyagenaike Amrutatvamanusuh’ is the Vedic dictum. Sacrifice gets you e
Only through pain, you can derive pleasure
Many great people, forbearing many difficulties did great penance and meditative exercises in order

Sacrifice is the hallmark of human life
True form of scholarship is not mere assimilation of all that is contained in the texts. A person wi

Learnt to find peace from pieces
Every object in this world causes fear; is ever changing, is fleeting and temporary. Man must attain

Difficulties would make us grow in life: With explanations from various avatars life
Life is sacred, invaluable and is worth living. Man must perform actions in order to develop such fi

Try to lead your life with good qualities
Sages have given us great ideas. We should reminisce and practice them. Performing sacred rituals is

Limitless human desires are the cause for unrest
Many people due to the impact and influence of the Kali age, perceive the relationship with the divi

What do you mean by Moksha
In ancient times, the world population was hundred crores. Now it has increased to five hundred and

What is the significance of human life
If man is satisfied living with his physical sheath alone then what is the specialty of human life?

Na punyam na papam
I am neither merit nor sin, I am neither pleasure nor sorrow, I am neither hymn nor holy waters,

Shirdi Baba gives the explanation of who is a true Guru: Kelkar Experience
One day Baba called Kelkar and asked him to do “Guru Pooja”, (worship Guru) as it was a Gurupoor

Sankranti Signifies Man's journey from the outer to inner
The very word ‘Sankranti’ conveys the infinite inner meaning. But man without understanding the

Peace is very essential for everyone
There is no happiness greater than peace. “Shanthamu leka saukhyamu ledu, saarasa

Do not pride yourself of young age: Message to youth
Students must realise this concept of love. Unfortunately the students today allow this love to be d

Peace is within you; Analogy of a rich man
A rich man decided to go on a pilgrimage. He thought that carrying too much luggage would create dis

Kashta Sukhamulu
“Kashta sukhamulu rendunununu kalasi yundu,” pain and pleasure exist together. “Ve

Accept everything in life as God's prasadam: Beautiful Analogies
The essence of Ugadi lies in being calm and composed in both happy and sad circumstances. It signifi

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Students should never get into other avagations; They should concentrate on education; Message to students
The youth today is gathering all unnecessary things into their minds. The student enters the precinc

Man creates his own problems: Analogy from Mahabharatha
Others do not give either pleasure or pain. Man’s thoughts, words and deeds are solely responsible

How to develop our character: A story of Shirdi Baba devotee Das Ganu
Man’s character can be developed to some extent through proper words, actions and behaviour. Once

Kashta Sukhamulu Rendunu Kalisi Yundu
Pain and pleasure are intermixed. It is impossible for anybody to separate them. Pleasure doesn’t

Good and bad are not separate
All that is good or bad in us emanates from the heart. Good and bad are seldom separate from each o

In sorrow rests the pleasure, Said Jesus
Pleasure and pain go together. There is no man without these twins, pain and pleasure. Pain and ple

Kashta Sukhamulu Rendunu
Pain and pleasure are intermixed. It is impossible for anybody to separate them. Pleasure doesn’t

Everyman is a messenger of God
Every man is a messenger. If we question ourselves, why are we born? Not merely to eat, drink and sl

One can understand Divine Principle by following intellect and by giving up mind
Some might think that Brahman can be achieved through some Sadhanas or spiritual endeavours, but Bra

Do service within your limits
Therefore, all the members of this organisation should become “thyagarajus”- men with spirit of

Bhagawan's love is universal
Always wish for the well being of others and love all. Swami is a living example for the said princi

Man is no different from God
Many people are subjected to many difficulties, troubles and sorrows and think that in spite of wors

Mind and its mysteries
Mind is responsible for all the business dealings and activities in the world. A school without a te

No act of service is low: Analogies from Lord Krishna life
When people think of service, they seem to equate it with menial work, usually done by a servant. Th

Importance of service and its characteristics
A responsible temperament is very essential for an individual. Seva or service is one of the most im

Do not blame others for your actions
“Manayeva manushyanaam, kaaranam bandhamokshayoho”- mind is the cause for bondage or liberation!

Mind can separate the good from the bad
Here is a small example: The water of the ocean is salty. The heat of the Sun converts the ocean wat

Money doesn't confer happiness and peace: Beautiful Analogy
Money is necessary to lead life and there nothing wrong in man working for it. But one should not be

Man is completely deluded and he is behind worldly pleasures
‘Ya chinta bhuvi, putra mitra bharanau, Vyapara sambhashane, Ya chinta dhana dhaanya yas

Swami on new year and its importance
Today, the New Year begins. This year is named as ‘Eshwara’. Eshwara means the embodiment or pro

All happens for our own good
Desire may be fulfilled or not. Consider everything is for your own good. I desired a work done, I

Bhagawan's love is Selfless
Embodiments of Love ! Infact your love for Bhagawan and Bhagwan's love for you are one and the same,

Good people wouldn't get hurt; With analogy of an Goldsmith and gold
Here is a story of a goldsmith who during the practice of his profession was once melting gold. In

Swami on the nature of good and bad people; With analogies
If you can understand the strength and the power of good company and use it in the best manner pos

Man's pride in developing sensual pleasures
There are many people who do not think either of this life or the life after death. Such people are

World is full of sorrow; Seek peace within
Today in the world, we often hear news about some disturbance being caused in some part of the world

Prahlada on intelligence and mind
It is in this context that Prahlada proclaimed that there is no pleasure in this world. There is no

Deena Subhamu Ledhu
It is in this context that Prahlada proclaimed that there is no pleasure in this world. There is no

Swami explaining the meanings of Govinda
For the verse Bhaja Govindam, Govindam Bhaja, there are varied interpretations given by many learne

God is beyond five elements
No matter how high a position and capacity a scientist may have achieved in his profession, he can

Scientists are not creators; With analogies
Scientists can only study and describe the qualities of existing materials. They can divide them in

Who is a Mudamathi according to Shankara
The most important thing that has been communicated in these verses is the word mudamathi (one so

Swami on the compositions of Adi Shankara
Sing the glory of Lord Govinda. Utter the name of Lord Govinda, Oh! you ignorant person! You should

In sorrow rests the happiness
Death is implied in life and sorrow is implied in pleasure. So also, night is implied in the day.

Make others happy and you will be happy
All religions and all castes are creations of man. As such, we are contributing to the divisions and

Sevadal should serve with broader vision
If you really want to justify your belonging to an organization like the Sathya Sai Organization, yo

Swami on the devotion of Thyagaraja
Thyagaraja was a great devotee but he too had to face so many difficulties.Thyagaraja, who could bea

How to be happy amidst your worries
Be happy always!! One may say, “Swami! How is it possible to stay happy always amidst the problems

In servitude lies the leadership
One must always be men of service. Leadership lies in the spirit of service. Leaders today have neve

Valmiki, Lava and Kusha's role in spreading Ramakatha
One day Sage Valmiki, who wrote Ramayana, was sitting in front of the Ramayana and was lost in deep

Offer all your actions to God
Creation is the manifestation of the cosmic will. It is referred to as ‘nature’. Whosoever is bo

All our Karma should be Selfless
The fact that service is superior to japa, dhyana and yoga is something you should recognize as trut

Rules of grammar do not come to your rescue
“Punarapi maranam, punarapi jananam Punarapi janani jathare sayanam, Iha samsare bahu

What is the significance of Ugadi
Embodiments of Love! Today is ‘Ugadi’. As it is the beginning of time it is called

Human life obtained after much effort
This human birth is the collective effect of the good deeds performed in many previous births. As on

Equal mindedness would take you closer to God; With analogies
The tree which gives us what we want has been described as the Kalpavriksha. In this description, a

Swami on the devotion of Gopikas
This physical body is a mere instrument. It is God's will which makes this move, which makes this en

Tana Jeevithambulu
In this world, there are righteous people who would sacrifice their lives and in the present times,

First aid kit for Sevadal according to Swami
Amongst the many conclusions that we have reached today, we have made one decision that the members

We need to understand the inner principle of Vinayaka
We have learnt how to worship Vinayaka, but we do not recognise His inner principle. This will make

Exercise the power of Discrimination
You should exercise discrimination, between the transient and the permanent. What is permanent? All

Pleasure is an Interval between two pains
However, those who live in this physical, ephemeral, transient world, they necessarily have to bide

Students should develop Gratitude
Human nature in which there is no gratitude will turn into an animal nature. So, boys and girls! In

Puttuta Oka Chintha
Birth is a worry, and so is existence itself; Family life is a worry, death is a worry, Childhood

Worship God with full faith
Therefore, when you worship God, make sure you repose total faith in Him. Without faith, what is the

Absence of Kshama leads to doubts
When the heart is devoid of kshama, it becomes vulnerable to doubts. Man today does not even know wh

We develop forbearance during difficult times
Some people may wonder, “If I develop kshama as Swami says and my life gets packed with troubles,

Balyambu Nanduna
During his youth and boyhood, man mixes with several people and spends his time playing with them.

Stages in human life; with analogies
Truly, our body goes through various stages like boyhood, youth, adolescence and old age. Dependin

Swami on the importance of life and Atma
Sacred minded students! Man generally desires to get something and in fact gets something differen

New year doesn't bring joy or sorrow
Embodiments of Love! YEARS have rolled by, but man has not developed noble feelings. A true human

Everything is a passing cloud in life
Whatever happens, is the dance of Shiva. The tremendous flux that goes on is the tandava dance. This

Sacrifice of Emperor Bali
Emperor Bali was the personification of charity. He sacrificed everything during yagnas (sacrificial

Names are many God is one
Divyatma Swarupas! Embodiments of Divine Atma! God is only one. He may take different forms and name

Human life is precious, realize it
Divya Atmaswarupas! We are all born in this world taking this human form. But this human body with t