If you follow Swami's command and lead life, HE will manifest in a second
First and foremost one should have steady and intense faith in Vedanta. One can conduct oneself prop

Truth and Brahma Tattwa can never be changed: Brahmam Garu Explanation
The words of truth spoken might die but the truth remains eternal. Likewise the nature of Brahman is

What is Amanaskamu in Vedanta
Next is the ‘Amanaskamu’. What is the meaning of ‘Amanaskam’? The thing that is seen with

What is Sankhyamu in Vedanta
The second one is ‘Sankhyamu’. It refers to the ‘panchendriya’, the five senses, ‘pancha p

Where Vedas end, Vedanta begins, explanation of Vedanta
Therefore Vedas are limited to the physical world. Next is the ‘Vedantam’, which is most importa

What kind of food must be offered to the God who resides in the stomach as the digestive power
Each part, each system in the human body is sustained by specific life giving cells. There are certa

Importance and working of human body
It is a wrong notion that people consider health in relation to worldly existence. One also believes

Efficient usage of day to day resources
‘Devi navaratri’ means the worshipping nature by merging all the powers of nature and fostering

Limitless human desires are the cause for unrest
Many people due to the impact and influence of the Kali age, perceive the relationship with the divi
What is the meaning of Devi Navaratri
What is the meaning of ‘Devi navaratri”? ‘Navaratri’ means nine nights. What is the meaning

Everything in this world is a combination of five elements
The whole world is made of the five elements of life. Everything is a combination of these five elem
Man should behave like himself and not like an animal
Many youth feel, “Being born as human, what is the use if man does not have freedom? A tiny fish m

Different aspects of Sun
Thus the five elements can be compared to the five feet of the Sun. The twelve months are twelve dif

Story of Narakasura
Lord Krishna killed the cruel, wicked Kamsa and installed another as the king. This infuriated the w

Explanation of Bhur Bhuvah Suvah
In the Gayathri mantra, “Bhur bhuva suvaha”, the first word “Bhur” refers to materialisation

Significance of Panchanga
People of North Karnataka refer to their body as ‘prakruthi’ as in “Prakruthi is not good.”P

Develop sacred thoughts from this Ugadi
Today is the beginning of sacred New Year. On such a day one must develop sacred thoughts. Developin

Don't get attached to the body: Swami's example
People know that Swami leads by example. This is Swami’s body. But Swami is the not the body, Swam

Swami explains the workings of body, mind, intellect and atma
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Mind is the basis for everything
Man must aspire to become broadminded living in this vast and wide world. Every human being has four

Pancha Bhoutikamu, Durbhalamaina
Composed of the five elements and devoid of strength, When this body will go no one knows. Though

Without peace, one cannot be happy; Analogies of Churchill and Prahlada
We find the science more and more increasing. It gives you lot of comfort. What is the use of all th

Divinity is present in everyone in myriad ways and innumerable forms: Example of Nagayya actor
I am the seed for all the elements and the entire Creation. So, there is no birth for divinity. All

Become messengers of God
There are three paths. "I'm the messenger of God" (is the first one). I should be the messenger, I s

Mind and its working
Embodiments of the Divine Atma!! The human body made up of the senses and five e

World is the true text book for man
Man reads so many books like the Gita, the Koran, the Bible, and the Ramayana etc. All these texts c

Leaders must set an example through humility
We must inspire that resolve, that determination to embark upon activities with great devotion, dedi

Man's selfishness is the root cause for all conflicts
“Ekatma sarva bhootantaraatma”, there is only one spirit present in all the beings. When such br

Who is a true Mudamathi
It means that so long as you do not yearn for the grace of God and so long as you allow your life

God is beyond five elements
No matter how high a position and capacity a scientist may have achieved in his profession, he can

The main prayer of Sathya Sai Sevadal
Some of you seek an opportunity to do service when there is a storm, flood, or famine. Even if you d

Swami on Dehi and Deha
It is said in the Vedas: Not by actions, not by progeny, not by wealth but by sacrifice alone one ca

Sacrifice is the way to move ahead in life; With analogies
Students learn swimming and know this better. When in the swimming pool, one has to push back the wa

What are the causes for heart diseases
What is the reason behind the heart diseases? The outlooks, ‘pravruthi’, are responsible for the

Swami on the role of head, heart and hand
The food and habits of man today are very peculiar. Two aspects are important to man namely, the hea

Three paths man need to know to realize himself
Human life is the essence of the six elements viz., the five elements and the self. To realise that

Body is the temple of God
Worship alone is not devotion. Just going to a temple is not devotion. Consider your body itself as

Physical body is temporary and transcient
This physical body which is made up of five elements is temporary, transient and is not going to las

All is Divine
Everything is divine. The universe is God. God is in all beings. The awareness is the divinity prese

God exists; Message to youth with analogies
Young people generally do not have faith in God and they get into a despondent situation by asking

New year doesn't bring joy or sorrow
Embodiments of Love! YEARS have rolled by, but man has not developed noble feelings. A true human

Human life is precious, realize it
Divya Atmaswarupas! We are all born in this world taking this human form. But this human body with t