You are God; Search within
Many say that they search for God. Where to search for God who is everywhere? Why to search for Him

Swami's guidelines to leaders of the organisation and Sevadal
As long as one is alive, one must participate in Seva at least for a few hours every day. Workers an

Youth should have more patience: With analogies
Human mind is completely polluted due to cinema, TV, and radio. All the sacred qualities latent in m

Self-confidence is the basis for everything
What is the basis for the light of the intellect? It is the self confidence. One must develop this

You are God; Have faith in yourself
Swami has told many times: Man is God. God does not exist separately. One’s inner voice teaches on

Human life is a waste without self-confidence and faith
Man today has lost confidence in self and faith in God. It is for this reason that although the scie

Do service and do not waste time in mere talk
One should not waste one’s precious time in mere words and speeches but should put to proper use b

What have you done for Swami
All the spiritual practises that one undertakes, is for one’s own fortification. Therefore one mus

Good virtues and values helps to gain self-confidence in life
People have been undertaking the spiritual practices of ‘japa’ penance, ‘dhyana’ meditation,

Service can never go along with egotism, attachment and ostentation
One must make self enquiry to find out if one has the necessary qualities to engage in service activ

Develop faith and confidence
“Where there is confidence there is love. Where there is love there is peace.

Modern day practices in spirituality and demoralisation of Indian culture
Embodiments of the sacred soul! Students!! To follow a spiritual path is the desire of

All the happiness is latent in you, follow your own path: Beautiful analogy
Everything is within. There is nothing in the outside world that does not exist within. The ‘sath,

Actions are important and not decisions
In this conference, we have arrived at many new conclusions and have also chalked out a program for

Unity makes India ideal
Embodiment's of love! Unity is the most essential today to mould Bharat as an ideal country. All our

My aim is to provide welfare to humanity
Embodiments of love! You say this is the 75th birthday of this body. Bhagawan is not bothered about

Types of people who hate God
There are four types of people who turn against God. The first category are those who don't have fai

Swami on Abraham Lincoln
You should recognize one important point. Lincoln was born in a very poor family in United States of

Conquer your Inner self with Confidence
Every man will have these two, birth and death. Between birth and death there lies whole life and as

You are atman; Realize it
Bhagawan said, You are all the embodiment's the divine. You are imperishable. The spirit or Atma is

Swami on Reflection, Reaction, Resound
Embodiments of Love! Confidence in the Self, Self confidence should be the goal. With self confidenc

Swami on the role of youth in uplifting India
Sacred students! There are two things which are important for man’s life. One is confidence in o

Swami narrating a story on Self-Confidence
There was once a guru living in a place and he was communicating wisdom to people who used to come

Swami explaining the meanings of Govinda
For the verse Bhaja Govindam, Govindam Bhaja, there are varied interpretations given by many learne
Youth should develop self-confidence
Every youth must make an effort to generate confidence in himself and he can then enjoy happiness

Bharathavani Guru Sishya
In this great country of ours, the sacred relationship between the teacher and the taught has now be

Important Ingredients for Seva
In the first instance, strengthen your confidence in your own self. It is only then, that you will d

How to do service in villages
With conviction and courage one must render service in society. With that spirit of courage one must

Say with confidence that I am going to see Swami
They feel it a matter of shame to say that they are going to Tirupathi or Puttaparthi when asked by

Never lose confidence
One must never give into despondency. Whether one believes it not, Swami tells of Himself that He ha

Swami on Confidence and Faith
The culture of Bharat lays much emphasis on three principles in the field of education. The first de