Sakala Shastra Purana
Sakala shastra puraana sangrahaveththa ayi, Vedanta vedyudau vibhujudaina,

Analogy of a mike to explain matter and energy
There is a mike here. As Swami speaks in the mike, everyone is able to hear Him. There is the mike a

What are Vedas, their origin and significance
Embodiments of Divine atma!! From ancient times the people of Bharath have gone throug

Music is the royal path to liberation
There are many devotees who propagated the divine actions and the divine mystery through music. Ther

Nama Sankeerthana is the royal path to liberation
‘Nama sankeerthana’ or chanting the name of the Lord is the ideal path, the steady path. God tak

What is Guna Gaana
God is beyond all attributes and so it is mere delusion to try to win the grace of the Lord by singi

Four types of Chanting done by devotees
Devotees are of four types based on the path taken to contemplate upon the Lord. The first type is s

Bhakthi Reva Paramartha Dayini
Devotion is the basis to attain the knowledge of the Supreme Being. Devotion is the panacea to get r

Vidyalanniyu Nerchi
Vidyalanniyu nerchi yemi viluva sunna? Yemmelu biyyelu pasaivachchi, peRigaanchina pedda vaaralai

Swami on the downward trend of present education system
It is enough if one has faith in oneself. How can one trust others if one does not trust oneself? T

All our acts must be done righteously
Dharma, righteousness, is important for everything. The dharma should be with compassion. Therefore

Mind is the root cause for everything in life: Analogy
One only punishes the body for the mistakes committed. But there is no fault in the body. All the fa

Health confers salvation or liberation, so protect your health
Embodiments of love! All said and done, the summary of Swami’s talk is t

When you lead life with Dharma, Artha and Kama in proper balance, you will attain Moksha
With the unison of the three aspects namely dharma, artha and kama, one naturally attains moksha, li

Even to attain liberation one needs to have good health: With an analogy
Health is necessary in order to discharge one’s responsibilities in terms of dharma, artha, kama a

Story of Valmiki
Ratnakara, who was ruthless and cruel hearted, indulged in many wicked activities to making a living

Power of thought, word and deed; Dhruva story
The character of Dhruva in Maha Bhagavata is familiar to all of you. He is a five year old boy who d

Pray for the well-being of all
Every person the world over must include the peace and prosperity of all beings in the world, in the

What is the significance behind Devi worship
One has to first and foremost know the meaning of ‘liberation’. The word ‘mo ksha mu’ has th

What do you mean by Moksha
In ancient times, the world population was hundred crores. Now it has increased to five hundred and

Sankranti Signifies Man's journey from the outer to inner
The very word ‘Sankranti’ conveys the infinite inner meaning. But man without understanding the

Sankranthi Signifies inward journey of Man
Hence, Sankranti means the movement towards inner vision, pure heart and unsullied nature. Just as t

What is the significance of Uttarayana
From the day of Sankranti, the sun travels from south to north. What is the significance of the nort

There Cannot be a Healthy Body Without a Mind Filled With Sacred Thoughts
Mind is responsible for both bondage and liberation. We must entertain only those thoughts that are

Atma is embedded in man; Like a pearl in an ocean
“Manasu nirmalambe manchiki margambu” Pure mind leads to goodness;

Manasu Nirmalambe
“Manasu nirmalambe manchiki margambu” Pure mind leads to goodness; “Manasu

Mind is the reason for liberation or bondage
One gets both the results. What is the reason for both the results? It is the mental weakness and la

Turn the key of mind towards God
The effect on the mind is very severe. Mind is the main cause for the liberation and bondage. If you
Service leads to liberation
Embodiments of Love! Man adopts various means to achieve liberation (from the bondage of mundane ex

Why does the Divine take the form of a human?
So, divinity doesn’t surface with a special form. Divinity also puts up a human form and appears.

Become messengers of God
There are three paths. "I'm the messenger of God" (is the first one). I should be the messenger, I s

Being bereft of ego would lead you to attain Mukthi
There is yet another type of people that want to control and destroy mind. Such people believe that

Manase Hethuvu
Mind is the cause for the existence, bondage and condition of affairs of man. It is important for li

Do not blame others for your actions
“Manayeva manushyanaam, kaaranam bandhamokshayoho”- mind is the cause for bondage or liberation!

Mind can separate the good from the bad
Here is a small example: The water of the ocean is salty. The heat of the Sun converts the ocean wat

Sai devotees can change the world by following truth and sacrifice
There many people, in lakhs and crores, who call themselves as devotees of Sai. One need not questio

Purpose and significance behind Seva
Embodiments of the Divine, the workers in social service! For the last five days, Seva

Practice is more important than preaching
Na karmana na prajaya dhanena tyagenaike amrutatwa maanasuhu” The Vedas have taught in u

What is Satsang and good company according to Adi Shankara and Vemana
Shankara was in the position of a teacher for the entire world and he propagated many ideals amongs

Sath sangatwe nisangatwam
From keeping good company, detachment follows as a consequence. From acquiring detachment, removal

All our Karma should be Selfless
The fact that service is superior to japa, dhyana and yoga is something you should recognize as trut

Karmalunu Kadhu, Puthrulunu Kadhu
It is not one's work, it is not one's children, it is not one's wealth; it is only service that is t

Ofiice bearers must speak softly and sweetly
In some instances, some are bringing in politics. Embodiments of love! Most importantly, in Sathya S

Ego is bane and humility is boon in service
Embodiments of Divine atma! This service will give you a high and noble position. That exalted state

Power of Mind
In fact, there have been tremendous beautiful sentiments in every man. This mighty strength is not n

Pancha Bhoutikamu Durbhalamaina
Our ancients have said that the limit for human life is a hundred years, but we cannot believe this

Jagathini Jeevinchu Vadu
The one who lives in this world should first become a human being and understand what the nature o

Path to liberation and realization of God
The one who lives in this world should first become a human being and understand what the nature o

Faith can make you achieve anything
Earnestness and faith are very important - the divine forms of Bhavani and Shankara. Therefore, let

Turn your mind towards God
So today we should fill our hearts with love. What sort of love? Love is One. We find many types of