Sath sangatwe nisangatwam
Bangalore, Brindavan (Summer Course )
From keeping good company, detachment follows as a consequence. From acquiring detachment, removal of all illusory relationships follows as a consequence. From the removal of all relationships, steadiness of mind follows as a consequence. From the steadiness of mind, liberation of the Jiva follows as a consequence.
Dushanambu himsa durambhuganetti
00:00:49“Dooshanambu Himsa doorambugaanetti, Daiwachintana taanu dandi parachi, Premathoduga taanu prajalanu choosina, Daiwaprema tanaki kaligi undu!!” Distancing oneself form harming and criticising others, Increasing the time spent in contemplation of the Lord, Filling oneself with love for others, Doing all the above will enhance one’s love for God!! Hence, one must put in sincere efforts to abstain from harming and criticising